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AFE4300EVM-PDK board

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE4300

Hi All,

I'm evaluating the AFE4300 through the AFE4300EVM-PDK demonstration kit. I just want to measure BCM data using this EVM.

I have connected Four electrodes on OUT0,OUT1, VSENSE0 and VSENSE1 respectively.  I have selected Hand to Hand meter type and keep default to calibration window in BCM measurement tab of GUI.

My "FM" readings give every time same data whether I touch electrode or not. What could be the issue ? Is there any additional setting or steps required before measuring the BCM ?



Hitesh Gambhava

  • Hi,

    Can anybody respond and help me on this ?



    Hitesh Gambhava

  • Hitesh,

    Can you send us a snapshot of your settings in the BCM Measurement tab?

    Can you check the EVM board and make sure J11 and J12 are open?

  • Hi Amy,

    I have attached BCM measurement tab snapshot. J11 and J12 are open on EVM board.

    Is there any other setting or calibration required to measure FM and FFM  OR it will work straightaway with EVM by setting BCM measurement tab ?


    Hitesh Gambhava

  • On body where you connect four electrodes you have any paper regarding electrodes position on human body ?
  • HI Archana,

    Since electrode placement purely depends on application, we don't have any papers describing so.
    However we recommend placing electrodes on palm of hand or under the feet of leg.

  • hello sir,
    1. I need some information about ,as i select 1kohm resistor and perform body composition measurement then i get phase value in negative and if i set 499 ohm resistor then i get phase in positive why like this? what are the calculation behinds to calaculate magnitude and phase?
    2.Also if i perform body composition for 8 Khz using I/Q mode then in AFE4300 GUI i get four different maginitude phase readings then which one i consider for 8Kh? again if i select 16 khz, 32 khz, 64khz which one reading i select outof four?
    3. What is exactly Mag R1 and Mag R2?why Mag R1 and Mag R2 give four diffirent readings?
  • Same issue i have in document the are giving as follows but practically we are not able to achieve same adc readings

    For example, the two reference resistors remain the same. Injecting a 64-kHz frequency current and
    setting the data rate of the ADC to 64 SPS , the ADC code for I channel of reference resistor Rx was
    7625, ADC code for Q channel for reference resistor Rx was –4096. With Equation 2, the magnitude code
    is 8655 and the phase is –28.24°. Considering the same series RC network mentioned in Section 2.1, the
    ADC code for I channel was 6153 and the ADC code for Q channel was –3649 and based on Section 2.1,
    the magnitude code was 7154 or 0.07697 × 7154 – 0.026 = 550.62 Ω and the phase was –30.68°. The
    compensated phase of the sample series RC network becomes –30.68 – (–28.24°) = –2.44°. The
    theoretical magnitude and phase of the sample RC network is 549.96 and –2.33°. Hence the % error for
    the magnitude is –0.12 % and the relative error for the phase is –0.11°error.