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I am working on the TI-RSLK kit and I am stuck in the module 9 lab. that lab is about lighting an LED using a PWM signal. Now I have written the code for that, but LED is not glowing. Can someone help me and point out the mistake that I have made?

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "msp.h"
#include "..\inc\TExaS.h"
#include "..\inc\Clock.h"
#include "..\inc\CortexM.h"
#include "..\inc\SysTick.h"
#include "..\inc\LaunchPad.h"

uint8_t d, data, data1,data2;

/*void SysTick_Init(void){                                    This is initialized through the SysTick.h file
SysTick->LOAD = 0x00FFFFFF;
SysTick->CTRL = 0x00000005;
void SysTick_Wait(uint32_t delay){
if(delay <= 1){
SysTick->LOAD = delay-1;
SysTick->VAL = 0;
while((SysTick->CTRL&0x00010000) == 0){};

void SysTick_Wait1us(uint32_t delay){
 uint32_t i;
  for(i=0; i<delay; i++){

int Program9_1(void){
Clock_Init48MHz(); // makes bus clock 48 MHz
LaunchPad_Init(); // buttons and LEDs
            P1->OUT = 0x00;
            return 0;
              P1->OUT |= 0x01; // red LED on
              P1->OUT &= ~0x01; // red LED off

// Operation
// The heartbeat starts when the operator pushes Button 1
// The heartbeat stops when the operator pushes Button 2
// When beating, the P1.0 LED oscillates at 100 Hz (too fast to see with the eye)
// and the duty cycle is varied sinuosoidally once a second
int main(void){
 Clock_Init48MHz(); // makes it 48 MHz
 LaunchPad_Init(); // buttons and LEDs
// write this code
       P1->OUT = 0x00;
       data = P1->IN;
       data1 = data&0x02;
       data2 = data&0x08;
           if(data1 == 0x00){

Thanks in advance

  • Dear Surya bharathi,

    Thank you for using TI-RSLK. The robotics curriculum contains lectures and labs that walk you through building, coding and testing the robot. The starter codes are provided in the folder that can be downloaded from our website,   the intention of the curriculum is to get you started and write code to perform the necessary labs. We recommend referring  to the lab document to help you guide through the code. Hope this can be resolved.

    If you have further questions please contact us at rslk_supporr@list.ti,com. 

    Thank you.