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TLV320AIC3109EVM-K: codec slave acknowledge issue

Part Number: TLV320AIC3109EVM-K

Hi team,

we bought TLV320AIC3109EVM-K module and we are interfacing that module with atmel controller. Here we are using ssc protocol as i2sc and i2c for configuring codec registers and here i am facing problem with slave acknowledment. i selected slave address as 0x30 in 8bit format (in 7bit format it is 0x18). So whenever i am transmitting any data to slave(codec) it should acknowledge but here it is giving slave acknowledgement failed (no acknowledgement). Could please check that issue and help me to resolve that problem and is there any pullup resistors required in i2c lines.



  • Pavithran,

    That is strange. There are 2.7k pullup resistors on the EVM board. They are being pulled up to IOVDD. So I guess it all depends on how you have the Board hooked up. do you have it plugged into the USBMODEVM?

    best regards,
    -Steve wilson
  • Dear Steve wilson,

    We are giving only power supply from USBMODEVM board to TLV320AIC3109EVM-K evaluation board j3 connector through external jumpers. Here we using USBMODEVM as power source not for i2sc operation. So here the design was atmel controller ssc and i2c protocol gpio pins to TLV320AIC3109EVM-K i2sc and i2c lines (j4 and j5 connector of TLV320AIC3109EVM-K)with help of external jumpers. I tested EEPROM in TLV320AIC3109EVM-K in this manner and it was giving acknowledgement but TLV320AIC3109(codec) only not giving acknowledgement. Is there any slave address problem or any hardware components required. Could please check that issue and help me to resolve that problem.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • And you've tested all of the supply voltages for the TLV320aic3109? where does it receive the IOVDD from?

    I've set up numerous AIC310xEVMs like this, without issue, Im thinking there must be an error somewhere.
    do you have pictures of the setup?

    best regards,
    -Steve Wilson
  •    Dear Steve Wilson,

    In TLV320AIC3109EVM-K there was a connector J22 for IOVDD selection. When connecting 2-3, IOVDD is set to +3.3 VD and when connecting 1-2, IOVDD and DVDD are shorted at +1.8 VD and here we connected 2-3 that means IOVDD is set to +3.3 V. Here i have attached pictures of this setup and could you please have look at it. 

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Dear Steve Wilson,

    I checked connections and i found where was that problem. I forgot to connect Analog and Ground Pins of both TLV320AIC3109EVM-K and USBMODEM board. Now it was working properly. Here i am writing some data into codec registers and i am reading back from that register for verification and i am getting same data whatever data i written in that register and one more doubt about Bit Clock (BCLK) and Word Clock (WCLK). Can i give 96KHZ as WCLK for codec and is there any possibility to divide that WCLK by 2 for getting 48KHZ as WCLK and what is the range of BCLK it will support.

    Thanks & Regards,
