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TLV320AIC3204: Could you help me to check the SCH ?

Part Number: TLV320AIC3204

Dear  all

    Below is my sch about TLV320AIC3204, but the device would be de damaged in some machine.

    I suspect the 30th pin of TLV320AIC3204 which had be directly connected with 3.3V power would be damaged, it right ?


  • Hi, Went,

    In general the schematic seems fine. I noticed a cap connected to MCLK line, what is it for?.

    There is no reason why pin 30 (LDO_SELECT) could be damaged by connecting it directly to 3.3V (same as IOVDD), unless somehow the voltage on this pin exceeds the absolute maximum rating (3.9V). Can you please provide a deeper description of the damage you are pointing out?

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Dear Diego
    MCLK line connected with cap, just for EMI, does it damage the device ?
    My damaged TLV320AIC3204,some devices are the 30th pin short to GND, some device are the 6th pin short to GND, and some are the 6th and 30th pins short to GND.
  • Hi, Went,

    Thanks for the feedback. Having damage in IOVDD and LDO_SELECT pins suggests a problem with the 3.3V power supply used to feed those pins. Is it possible for you to monitor  that power supply and check or any unexpected behavior?. Also, It would be good to isolate IOVDD and pin 30 of the IC from LDOIN/HPVDD pin and feed them with a separate +3.3V source.  Is the +3.3V source used to power-up any other circuit in your system?.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Dear Diego

    Thanks your suggest. But it is the reason that damage the device ? I can't understand the theory. Could you tell me detailly ?
  • Went,

    Any operating condition of this device outside the limits determined by the Absolute Maximum ratings could cause damage on the device. As you are getting damage specifically on pins 30 and 6, it is suggested that the issue is related to the power supply connected to those nets. LDO_SELECT pin is referenced to IOVDD as it is an input control pin. Can you please monitor the +3.3V supply and make sure it does not exceed the absolute maximum ratings?

     Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Dear Diego

    I know your opinion, I will test that have any exceed the absolute maximum ratings.

    Last one question, I test the 3.3V of TLV320AIC3204 device,there is 200mA current at startup ,is it normal ? There is no power requirements in the datasheet.

  • Hi, Went,

    We provide power consumption details in the Applications Reference Guide (ARG) of the AIC3204, in sections 2.5.2 and 2.2.3 for each active block. 200mA is actually quite high, so it is possible that there is something else causing a problem in your system. 

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer