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TLV320AIC3111: Facing problems using custom board based on TLV320AIC3111

Part Number: TLV320AIC3111

Hello all,

After testing our application on the TLC320AIC3111-EVM board, we have decided to make our own custom board for the same codec. We're using a microcontroller to push the instructions over I2C into the codec board and we were getting satisfactory filtering and amplification on the EVM board. However, we're facing difficulty for the same on the custom board we designed. I2C is successfully pushing the instructions and we are able to change the gain of the amplifiers (I'm able to change the volume by adjusting the gain by register [1][38] for Analog vol to SPL) but it looks like the filtering isn't working or it is working like an all-pass filter.

Input - We've connected an analog microphone across MIC1LP and GND.

Output - We've connected a 3.5 headphone jack across HPL and HPR. We've connected a speaker across SPLP and SPLM.

Our observation is that the instructions seem to be passing across I2C. We are getting audio output but filtering is not happening. The same code when run on the EVM works fine.

I've also uploaded the instructions we're passing to the codec (all generated using PurePath Studio GDE). Please find it attached below. As reference for board design  I used

Codec Startup Instructions.txt
reg_value codec_inst[] = {  
    {  0,0x00},
//          # reg[0][1]   = 0x01     ; S/W Reset
    {  1,0x01},
//          # reg[0][4]   = 0x03   ; PLL_CLKIN = MCLK = 11.2896 MHz., CODEC_CLKIN=PLL_CLK
    {  4,0x03},
//          # reg[0][5]   = 0x91   ; PLL Power Up, P = 1, R = 1
    {  5,0x91},
//          # reg[0][6]   = 0x08   ; J = 8
    {  6,0x08},
//          # reg[0][7]   = 0x00   ; D(13:8) = 0
    {  7,0x00},
//          # reg[0][8]   = 0x00   ; D(7:0) = 0 (CODEC_CLKIN = (PLL_CLKIN * R * J.D) / P = 90.3168 MHz.
    {  8,0x00},
//          # reg[0][27]  = 0x00   ; Mode = I2S, wordlength = 16
    { 27,0x00},
    {  0,0x2B},
//          # reg[43][95]     = 0x00  ; (Bit 23-16) ------------ MSB ADC INST No. 383
    { 95,0x00},
//          # reg[43][96]     = 0x00  ; (Bit 15-8)
    { 96,0x00},
//          # reg[43][97]     = 0x00  ; (Bit 7-0)
    { 97,0x00},
    {  0,0x5F},
//          # reg[95][95]     = 0x00  ; (Bit 23-16) ------------ MSB DAC INST No. 1023
    { 95,0x00},
//          # reg[95][96]     = 0x00  ; (Bit 15-8)
    { 96,0x00},
//          # reg[95][97]     = 0x00  ; (Bit 7-0)
    { 97,0x00},
    {  0,0x00},
    { 21,0xB8},
    { 15,0x5C},
//          # reg[0][60]  = 0x40   ; DAC programmable mode, DAC miniDSP powered up even if DAC is powered down
    { 60,0x40},
//          # reg[0][61]  = 0x00   ; PRB_R5 05
    { 61,0x00},
//          # reg[0][63]  = 0xD4   ;
    { 63,0xD4},
//          # reg[0][64]  = 0x02   ;
    { 64,0x02},
    {  0,0x00},
//          # reg[0][13]  = 0x00   ; DOSR = 32, DOSR(9:8) = 0; DOSR = 32, DOSR(7:0) = 32 (DAC Fs = 5.6448 / 32 = 176.4 KHz.); Interpolation Ratio = 2; AOSR = 32 (ADC Fs = 5.6448 / 32 = 176.4 KHz.); Decimation Ratio = 1; DOSR = 64, DOSR(9:8) = 0; DOSR = 64, DOSR(7:0) = 64 (DAC Fs = 5.6448 / 64 = 88.2 KHz.); Interpolation Ratio = 2; AOSR = 64 (ADC Fs = 5.6448 / 64 = 88.2 KHz.); Decimation Ratio = 2; DOSR = 128, DOSR(9:8) = 0
    { 13,0x00},
//          # reg[0][14]  = 0x80   ; DOSR = 128, DOSR(7:0) = 32 (DAC Fs = 5.6448 / 128 = 44.1 KHz.)
    { 14,0x80},
//          # reg[0][16]  = 0x08   ; Interpolation Ratio = 8
    { 16,0x08},
//          # reg[0][20]  = 0x80   ; AOSR = 128 (ADC Fs = 5.6448 / 128 = 44.1 KHz.)
    { 20,0x80},
//          # reg[0][22]  = 0x04   ; Decimation Ratio = 4
    { 22,0x04},
    {  0,0x01},
//          # reg[1][33]  = 0x4e   ; De-pop, Power on = 800 ms., Step time = 4 ms.
    { 33,0x4E},
//          # reg[1][31]  = 0xc6   ; HPL and HPR powered up
    { 31,0xC6},
//          # reg[1][32]  = 0xc6   ; SPL on
    { 32,0xC6},
//          # reg[1][35]  = 0x50   ; LDAC routed to mixer, LMIC
    { 35,0x65},
//          # reg[1][36]  = 0x80   ; HPL on
    { 36,0x80},
		{ 37,0x80},
//          # reg[1][38]  = 0x94   ; -20 SPL vol 0dB
    { 38,0x94},
//          # reg[1][40]  = 0x16
    { 40,0x16},
//          # reg[1][42]  = 0x04   ; SPL unmute, gain 6dB
    { 42,0x04},
//          # reg[1][46]  = 0x0b   ; MICBIAS
    { 46,0x0B},
    {  0,0x00},
//          # reg[0][83]  = 0x1e   ; ADC GAIN 15dB
    { 83,0x28},
    {  0,0x01},
//          # reg[1][48]  = 0x40   ; MIC is selected for left Mic PGA P @ 10k input impedance
    { 48,0x40},
//          # reg[1][49]  = 0x40   ; CM is selected for left Mic PGA M @ 10k input impedance
    { 49,0x40},
    {  0,0x00},
//          # reg[0][63]  = 0xd6   ; Powerup DAC left and right channels (soft step disable)
    { 63,0xD6},
//          # reg[0][64]  = 0x00   ; Unmute DAC left and right channels
    { 64,0x00},
//          # reg[0][81]  = 0x80   ; Powerup ADC channel
    { 81,0x80},
//          # reg[0][82]  = 0x00   ; Unmute ADC channel
    { 82,0x00},
//          # reg[0][11]  = 0x84   ; DAC Powerup NDAC = 2 (DAC_MAC_CLK = 90.3168 MHz/2 = 45.1584 MHz.); DAC Powerup MDAC = 8 (DAC_MOD_CLK = 45.1584/8 = 5.6448 MHz.); ADC Powerup NADC = 4 (ADC_MAC_CLK = 90.3168 MHz/4 = 22.5792 MHz.); DAC Powerup MADC = 4 (ADC_MOD_CLK = 22.5792/4 = 5.6448 MHz.); DAC Powerup NDAC = 4 (DAC_MAC_CLK = 90.3168 MHz/4 = 22.5792 MHz.)
    { 11,0x84},
//          # reg[0][12]  = 0x84   ; DAC Powerup MDAC = 4 (DAC_MOD_CLK = 22.5792/4 = 5.6448 MHz.)
    { 12,0x84},
//          # reg[0][18]  = 0x84   ; ADC Powerup NADC = 4 (ADC_MAC_CLK = 90.3168 MHz/4 = 22.5792 MHz.)
    { 18,0x84},
//          # reg[0][19]  = 0x84   ; DAC Powerup MADC = 4 (ADC_MOD_CLK = 22.5792/4 = 5.6448 MHz.)
    { 19,0x84},
    {  0,0x08},
//          # reg[8][1]   = 0x04   ; Adaptive mode enabled for DAC
    {  1,0x04},
    {  0,0x00},
//          # reg[  0][  5] = 0x91  ; P=1, R=1, J=8
    {  5,0x91},
//          # reg[  0][  6] = 0x08  ; P=1, R=1, J=8
    {  6,0x08},
//          # reg[  0][  7] = 0x00  ; D=0000 (MSB)
    {  7,0x00},
//          # reg[  0][  8] = 0x00  ; D=0000 (LSB)
    {  8,0x00},
//          # reg[  0][  4] = 0x03  ; PLL_clkin = MCLK, codec_clkin = PLL_CLK, PLL on
    {  4,0x03},
//          # reg[  0][ 12] = 0x88  ; MDAC = 8, divider powered on
    { 12,0x88},
//          # reg[  0][ 13] = 0x00  ; DOSR = 128 (MSB)
    { 13,0x00},
//          # reg[  0][ 14] = 0x80  ; DOSR = 128 (LSB)
    { 14,0x80},
//          # reg[  0][ 18] = 0x02  ; NADC = 2, divider powered off
    { 18,0x02},
//          # reg[  0][ 19] = 0x88  ; MADC = 8, divider powered on
    { 19,0x88},
//          # reg[  0][ 20] = 0x80  ; AOSR = 128
    { 20,0x80},
//          # reg[  0][ 11] = 0x82  ; NDAC = 2, divider powered on
    { 11,0x82},
//          # reg[0][82] = 0
    { 82,0x00},
//          # reg[0][83] = 0
    { 83,0x00},
//          # reg[0][86] = 32
    { 86,0x20},
//          # reg[0][87] = 254
    { 87,0xFE},
//          # reg[0][88] = 0
    { 88,0x00},
//          # reg[0][89] = 104
    { 89,0x68},
//          # reg[0][90] = 168
    { 90,0xA8},
//          # reg[0][91] = 6
    { 91,0x06},
//          # reg[0][92] = 0
    { 92,0x00},