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i2c for tlv320aic3204

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320AIC3110, CC3200, TLV320AIC3120

hi all

i just would like to ask what is the actual slave address for the i2c in the tlv32aic3204 i m kinda confusing

from the example for evm is

30 00 01

30 = device address

00 = register address

01 = register bit

but when i flip one exam from the CC3200 package i saw that they set the i2c for tlv320aic3110 is 0x30, but in both data sheet mention that they will response to i2c address 0011000 (0x18) 

just wanna ask the device address is as same as the slave address or the i2c address is as per data sheet mention 0x18?

can pls clarify


below attached prove

in the CCS for CC3200