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AIC3101 snd_pcm_open open error

Hi All,

I am using AIC3101 audio codec and using alsa arecord & aplay to do functional test:

arecord -f CD -D hw:0,0 test.wav

aplay -f CD -D hw:0,0 test.wav

Everything is OK!

But I met the below error when execute the following command after system boot...

# arecord -f CD -D hw:0,0 | aplay -f CD -D hw:0,0
Recording WAVE 'stdin' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo
aplay: main:696: audio open error: Invalid argument

I workaround this issue by execute the following command first after system boot...

# arecord -f CD -D hw:0,0 test.wav

ctrl+c stop...

# arecord -f CD -D hw:0,0 | aplay -f CD -D hw:0,0
Recording WAVE 'stdin' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo
Playing WAVE 'stdin' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo

It seems that codec is not ready for playback after system boot.

is it hardware issue? or codec initialization have something wrong?

Any helps will be very appreciate!!
