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aic3204 beep not working


I'm not able to get the beep generator working. The aic is configured for DAC Fs of 8000 samp/sec. I can play speech to the speaker just fin, but beep generator does not play a tone. In the aic3204 configuration, I set register 60 (DAC processing block) to 0x19 which should have enabled DAC processing block 25. Here is  the code I use to setup and enabled the beep generator. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



#define SIN_700_Q15             17121   // sin(2PI * 700/8000) * 32767
#define COS_700_Q15             27939   // cos(2PI * 700/8000) * 32767
#define TONE_GAIN_DB            6       // register value (0 ... 63) == gain of: (0 dB ... -63 dB)
#define TONE_DURATION_SECS      20ul
void aic3204_tonegen () {
Uint16 val;
Int16 hi, lo;
Uint32 samps;

    val = (TONE_GAIN_DB & 0x3F);
    AIC3204_rset( 0,  0x00);    // Select page 0

    AIC3204_rset( 71, val);  // set left channel volume and disable the generator
    AIC3204_rset( 72, val);  // set right channel volume

    samps = TONE_DURATION_SECS * 8000ul;  // DAC Fs == 8000 samp/sec

    // sample length bits 23:16
    val = (samps >> 16) & 0xFF;
    AIC3204_rset( 73, val);

    // sample length bits 15:8
    val = (samps >> 8) & 0xFF;
    AIC3204_rset( 74, val);

    // sample length bits 7:0
    val = samps & 0xFF;
    AIC3204_rset( 75, val);

    // sin (x)
    val = SIN_700_Q15;
    hi = (val >> 8) & 0xFF;
    lo = val & 0xFF;
    AIC3204_rset( 76, hi);
    AIC3204_rset( 77, lo);

    // cos (x)
    val = COS_700_Q15;
    hi = (val >> 8) & 0xFF;
    lo = val & 0xFF;
    AIC3204_rset( 78, hi);
    AIC3204_rset( 79, lo);

    // enable the generator    
    val = (TONE_GAIN_DB & 0x3F) | 0x80;
    AIC3204_rset( 71, val);  

  • Hi,

    Here is an example on how to get the tone generator working with the EVM:


    # Software Reset
    # Select Page 0
    w 30 00 00
    # Initialize the device through software reset
    w 30 01 01
    # Clock and Interface Settings
    # ---------------------------------------------
    # The codec receives: MCLK = 11.2896 MHz,
    # BLCK = 2.8224 MHz, WCLK = 44.1 kHz
    # Select Page 0
    w 30 00 00
    # PLL_clkin = MCLK, codec_clkin = PLL_CLK,
    # PLL on, P=1, R=1, J=8, D=0000
    w 30 04 03 91 08 00 00
    # NDAC = 2, MDAC = 8, dividers powered on
    w 30 0b 82 88
    # DOSR = 128
    w 30 0D 00 80
    # NADC = 2, MADC = 8, dividers powered on
    w 30 12 82 88
    # AOSR = 128
    w 30 14 80
    # Configure Processing Blocks
    # Select Page 0
    w 30 00 00
    # PRB_P25 selected
    w 30 3C 19
    # Select Page 44, Enable Adaptive filtering for DAC
    w 30 00 2c 04
    # Configure Power Supplies
    # Select Page 1
    w 30 00 01
    # Disable weak AVDD in presence of external
    # AVDD supply
    w 30 01 08
    # Enable Master Analog Power Control
    w 30 02 00
    # Set the input power-up time to 3.1ms (for ADC)
    w 30 47 32
    # Set the REF charging time to 40ms
    w 30 7b 01
    # Playback Setup
    # Select Page 1
    w 30 00 01
    # De-pop
    w 30 14 25
    # Route LDAC/RDAC to HPL/HPR
    w 30 0c 08 08
    # Route LDAC/RDAC to LOL/LOR
    w 30 0e 08 08
    # Power up HPL/HPR and LOL/LOR drivers
    w 30 09 3C
    # Unmute HPL/HPR driver, 0dB Gain
    w 30 10 00 00
    # Unmute LOL/LOR driver, 0dB Gain
    w 30 12 00 00
    # Select Page 0
    w 30 00 00
    # DAC => 0dB
    w 30 41 00 00
    # Power up LDAC/RDAC
    w 30 3f d6
    # Unmute LDAC/RDAC
    w 30 40 00
    # Select Page 0
    w 30 00 00
    # Gain = -40dB
    w 30 47 28 28

    How to issue a beep:

    w 30 00 00              # Page 0
    w 30 40 0C              # Mute DACs
    f 30 26 xxx1xxx1        # Wait for mute flag
    w 30 0B 02              # Turn off NDAC
    w 30 47 8C              # Beep!
    w 30 0B 82              # Turn on NDAC
    w 30 40 00              # Un-mute DACs
    f 30 47 0xxxxxxx        # Wait for beep to finish

    Here is some information on how to calculate the frequency of the tone, etc:

