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LM1894 - alternate product TLV320AIC3256

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV320AIC3256, LM1894

Hi all,

Would you mind if we ask TLV320AIC3256?

Does it have DNR(Dynamic Noise Reduction) function?
Our customer is looking for the alternate product from LM1894.
(Because, LM1894 is EOL product.)

Kind regards,

Hirotaka Matsumoto

  • Matsumoto-san,

    TLV320AIC3256 has single-mic noise reduction algorithm and also miniDSP. However, it does not follow any particular standard for FM noise reduction, etc. So customer can implement their own algorithm using a combination of basic components along with our noise reduction component.

    Customer can request access to the software for evaluation:

  • J san

    Thank you for your reply!

    We don't understand the fuction single-mic noise reduction algorithm, so could you let us know it?

    And then, LM1894 is possible to accept followings inputs.
    So, is it possible to reduce followings noise using TLV320AIC3256?
    -Tape Head Amplifier
    -Riaa Amplifier
    -FM Streo decoder
    -Radio / TV detector
    -VTR Audio output

    As you mentioned "it does not follow any particular standard for FM noise reduction, etc", these are not included, aren't they?
    And then, about "our noise reduction component", is it like as the document SNOA670C?

    We need your help.

    Kind regards,

    Hirotaka Matsumoto

  • Hi Matsumoto-san,

    "As you mentioned "it does not follow any particular standard for FM noise reduction, etc", these are not included, aren't they?"

    - Correct, none of the components you mentioned are included.

    "So, is it possible to reduce followings noise using TLV320AIC3256?"

    - Customer would need to implement those using PurePath Studio basic blocks. My recommendation is to download the software and experiment with the various components available.

    Let me know if this answers your questions.

