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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM5122, TMS320C5533, PCM5142


We have a PCM5122 board with i2s for audio and i2c for configuration from an external controller.
We want to have a low pass filter with 50Khz as cutoff.

Does the purepath software communicate only with the EVM or can it also connect to our PCM5122 based board.

I had put a request for downloading of purepath for PCM5122 but I have not received any reply please let me know if I have to do some thing more.


  • Hi Prakash,

    To create a 50 kHz low pass filter, you can use an external RC filter (this is recommend in the data sheet) but you can also use PurePath Studio to configure the biquads in the preset process flow. PurePath Studio works with the DSP program, and PurePath Console handles the control of the EVM.

  • Hello Justin,

    we received access to PurePath.
    how do our customers get access?

    thank you
  • Hi Andre,

    The customer should go through the same process. What was the email they used?

  • Thank you for the reply Justin.
    So each one of our customers will have to go through this process of registering, then requesting access and receiving it?
    there is no way we can offer it on our site?


    While of the PurePath topic...

    TAS1020B is used for communication with PurePath
    The TAS1020B chip is now obsolete and TI has recommended the new Chipset TMS320C5533 ,
    We want to know availability of reference Schematic and Software for TMS320C5533 for connecting to purepath. .

    Thank you
  • Justin,

    Prakash and i were wondering about the configuration of MiniDSP parameters of PCM5142. Can we use the Purepath studio without having it connected to an PCM5142 EVM. (offline mode)

    Thank you

  • Hi Andre,

    For the software access, once approved, the software can be access from their my.ti page under MySecureSoftware.

    About the TAS1020B and TMS320C5533, you will have to go to the C55XX team for more information about using it as a replacement for the TAS1020B.

    As for PCM5142 and PPS, yes you can create a process flow without an EVM attached. You just need to drag a PCM5142 framework into the work space from the component window.

  • Hi Justin,

    Thanks for the information.

    I was able to create the same fixed flow Program 5 flow in purepath for PCM5142. The build was successful. It generated
    Generating code for base_main_Rate44 .. assembling .....Done.
    Generating code for base_main_Rate48 .. assembling .....Done.
    Generating code for base_main_Rate88 .. assembling .....Done.
    Generating code for base_main_Rate96 .. assembling .....Done.
    Generating code for base_main_Rate176 .. assembling .....Done.
    Generating code for base_main_Rate192 .. assembling .....Done.
    Build succeeded.


    Now if I want to play files with 44.1Khz, 48, 88.2, 96. 176 and 192Khz sampling rate should I use the particular file for the specific sampling rate or if I use the cfg file of 192 will it play for all sampling rates.

    If we have to use a specific file how to change the co-efficients on the fly based on the sampling rate. for example if the sampling rate is 44.1 for the first audio we will use base_main_Rate44.cfg now for the second audio file if it is 96Khz then how do we change the coefficients on the fly for 96KHz.

  • Dear Justin, I have to mention that Prakash works with us and while I am the middle man, he is the senior engineer working on the project, so direct contact is the best!
    I will still lurk around.
  • Dear Justin,

    I was able to create the same fixed flow Program 5 flow in purepath for PCM5142. The build was successful. It generated
    Generating code for base_main_Rate44 .. assembling .....Done.
    Generating code for base_main_Rate48 .. assembling .....Done.
    Generating code for base_main_Rate88 .. assembling .....Done.
    Generating code for base_main_Rate96 .. assembling .....Done.
    Generating code for base_main_Rate176 .. assembling .....Done.
    Generating code for base_main_Rate192 .. assembling .....Done.
    Build succeeded.


    Now if I want to play files with 44.1Khz, 48, 88.2, 96. 176 and 192Khz sampling rate should I use the particular file for the specific sampling rate or if I use the cfg file of 192 will it play for all sampling rates.

    If we have to use a specific file how to change the co-efficients on the fly based on the sampling rate. for example if the sampling rate is 44.1 for the first audio we will use base_main_Rate44.cfg now for the second audio file if it is 96Khz then how do we change the coefficients on the fly for 96KHz.

  • Hi Prakash,

    So if you plan to be able to switch on the fly between sampling rates there is a way to set up the code generation that will generate a full application for the sampling rate you've set the process flow to be at, and then will generate application patches for the other sampling rates. This will be just coefficient changes for the different sampling rates.

    To enable this, go to Tools -> Options -> Build. At the bottom of the Build tab, you will see "Multiple Configurations and Sample Rates", with two options below it. Choose the "Generate application patches". This will have PPS generate the files I explained above.

  • Dear Justin,

    Thank you so much for the reply

    One more clarification We want to play a 96K sampled file.
    when we connect to the EVM it displays board sampling rate 48000Hz and next line is Downloaing base_main_Rate96.cfg to the EVM

    When I try to play audio file sampled at 96K there is no audio output.

    Can you please let me know what mistake Iam doing.

  • Hi Prakash,

    How are you getting digital audio to the EVM? The message about the 48 kHz sampling rate is to do with the firmware for playing audio through USB. 48 kHz is the max sample rate that the EVM can do over USB. If you would like to operate at 96 kHz, you can use the SPDIF interface (either optical or coax) or you can send I2S directly to the part over the test points.

  • Thank you justin for the reply

    Iam now trying with I2S connected over the test points
    In my process flow I have a click remove component (4ms, 0.2 click strength) the complete cycles consumes by the flow is around 364
    without the click remove component 96k sampling rate files play,
    but if this component is present in the flow then 96k sampling rate files do not play
    The other sampling rates like 48 and 44.1 play fine with click remove component

    Can you please let me know if I have to change something.

    Another clarification is

    If we load 48 cfg file then iam able to play all 44.1,48 and 96K sampled files

    My understanding was

    96 cfg can only play 96k sampled files and 48 cfg can play only 48K sampled files so if I load 48 cfg and play 96 sampled files will there be any audio quality degradation.


  • Hi Prakash,

    I am not sure why with the click remove component added, the part will not output with 96 k content. Are you able to try a different component that brings it to the same amount of cycles and still play at 96 kHz sampling? What is in the rest of your process flow?

    As for files for different sampling rates, the reason you get different files is that the coefficients for components need to be recalculated for different sampling rates. So if you have a flow for 48 kHz that has a filter in it, if the process flow is below 512 cycles, it will work at 96 kHz also, but the filter will be shifted in its frequency response. There is nothing but number of cycles that would stop a process flow from running at different sampling frequencies, but the frequency response of components will become incorrect.

  • Dear Justin,

    I am not sure why with the click remove component added, the part will not output with 96 k content.

    Prakash: The click remove component is added to remove clicks in audio playback.

    Are you able to try a different component that brings it to the same amount of cycles and still play at 96 kHz sampling

    Prakash: Yes we are able to play 96 KHz sampling without click remove an with the same amount of cycles. We also tried with process flow with only I2S input click remove and Interpolator with this also it is not playing 96 KHz.

    What is in the rest of your process flow?

    Prakash: Please find below



  • dear Justin,

    its been a while.

    hope all is well.

    i posted a questin a few days ago about Purtepath and no answer yet, so i thought of contacting you...who has always helped us.


    We design, develop and manufacture audio hardware.

    Our team has been working with Purepath.

    After going through the software manifest, we still have a licensing related question:

    We want to include DSP flows from Purepath (Linux drivers) with our hardware based on PCM5142. Under what license we can release the DSP flows?


    Thank you for getting back to us at your earliest convenience.


