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AIC3204EVM - GUI wont connect

I have the TVL320AIC3204_54_RHB_EVM with USB motherboard.

I have followed all the steps in the user guide - installing the GUI software and setting all the jumpers/switches. 

I have previously installed and used the AIC3254 headset EVM with no problems. So when I plugged the 3204EVM into my computer, there was no "new hardware detected" popup. 

So, I opened up the AIC3204 CS gui and it isn't connecting. I get this screen:

This is different from the GUI screen in the user guide. It seems that my previous use of the 3254 and Purepath Studio have corrupted things? I have uninstalled the 3254 software and Purepath Studio. Then reset and reinstalled 3204 software - same result!

I hope you can help. This is very frustrating. 


  • I should probably add that the USB device is detected and called "USB-miniEVM". Which suggests it is using the (wrong) drivers from previous 3254 installation. I have tried uninstalling the drivers and running the "remove-miniEVM" program which do nothing. When I plug the board back in it reinstalls "USB-miniEVM"

    Please help
  • Hi, David,

    Have you tried running the GUI with Administrator privileges?. These GUIs require administrator rights to works correctly. 

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer