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PCM3070 Reset Pin Configuration

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM3070

Hi, Team

A car infotainment customer Flyaudio is using PCM3070 in their product.

Because they do not want to use MCU to control the RESET pin, they connect a R = 4.7kohm between RESET pin and system 3.3V VDD, and connect a C = 4.7uF between RESET pin and GND.

When they power up the system, there is some chance that PCM3070 do not response on I2C bus, so MCU can not program the register.  When the issue occur, if I use a tweezers to short the RESET pin to GND and than release, the PCM3070 will go back to normal.

I suggest customer to increase R to 10kohm and C to 10uF. The chance of the issue occur decrease, but the issue still occur.

Customer use PCM3070 internal LDO.

Is there any suggestion on this issue?

Could you share PCM3070 RESET pin configuration if it is not connected to MCU?

