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CCS/TLV320AIC3254EVM-U: How I can use Pure Path Studio with TLV320AIC3256EVM-U USB module.

Part Number: TLV320AIC3254EVM-U

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I have purchased TLV320AIC3256EVM-U USB board, It is working fine with AIC3254 CS on playback function, properly hearing music played on PC.

But my application is, I have to take input from Microphone through one stage of pre-amplifier and need required to implement few filters, TI algorithm, SRS algorithms for improving the acoustic signal quality level.

Now my query is,

1) How I can proceed with using Pure Path Studio..? I am not getting any detail pure path studio application guide. 

2) How TLV320AIC3256EVM-U USB work without PC or HOST with our configuration.?


Mahesh Rodge 


  • Hi, Mahesh,

    Welcome to E2E, Thanks for your interest in our products!.

    For the PurePath Studio reference, I would recommend you to take a look to blow wiki page. There ou can ind useful information about how to start the development of miniDSP process flows with PurePath Studio:

    The TLV320AIC3256EVM-U requires a host device to configure the device and stream he digital audio data. The device cannot work as a standalone system.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Thank you very much Diego,

    I have developed my required application on TLV320AIC3256EVM-U USB board with pure path studio GDE. But now I am stuck to use this developed application in my project (Product).

    I was plan to use TLV320AIC3256EVM-U USB board direct in my project but as you told in earlier post it will required host device to configure this board now my question is.

    1) What types of Host devices it will required.

    2) Can I use micro-controller as a host device to configure 320AIC3256 if yes, then how I can write code for same configuration which I have done in pure path studio.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Mahesh Rodge 

  • HI, Mahesh,

    Any device capable of acting as the I²C master can be used as the host device in your system. A microcontroller with these capabilities can be used.

    PurePath Studio can export the configuration code into a .h or .c file that can be used by the host device to write the registers of the codec. Please refer to this wiki entry to find the instructions about exporting header files from PPS.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi, Diego,

    I am able to generate that required files .h and .c from pure path studio. thanks for the same, But I am not be able to write TLV320AIC3254 resistor with my microcontroller. Because I am not understanding that generated code. Can you suggest me any example so that I can understand and implement it easily.

    For your information I am using PIC32MZ microcontroller.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Mahesh Rodge

  • Hi, Mahesh,

    Unfortunately I don't have an specific example for the microcontroller you are using, but there is an app note where an example for the implementation of the 'AIC3254 code from PPS is mentioned, hopefully you can find it useful:

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer