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PCM5122: Designs custom PCM5122 DAC with SPI - not working

Part Number: PCM5122

Hi dear all,

I'm trying to make this chip work: I'm trying to use the SPI interface on order to command the DAC but unfortunately is not working. When I sent command to MOSI on MISO I see only High Z.

But I not really sure if I have completely understand how send data. Let make an example. If I want to read Register 0x04 I have to send 2 bytes: 0x09 0x00.

00001001 00000000

     0x04 ^- this is the read bit. Last 8 bits are zeros in order to generate proper CLK signal.

The chip is connected to a rasp pi 3 via i2s in order to provide the proper clock signal. But seems not to work as expected. Maybe is there anything I can check, to understand if I completely blown the chip or if I've made an electrical mistake?

Thanks in advantage!