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ADCxxxx and ADSxxxx naming rule


I would like to ask you a very basic question.

It is about naming rule of AD converter.

What is the difference between ADSxxxx and ADCxxxx?

Can I understand that ADSxxxx is from HPA(TI) products and ADCxxxx is from SVA(former NS) products?

And there are other ADC devices which are named "TLVxxxx", "TLCxxxx" ,"AMCxxxx", "DDCxxx"...

Could you tell me the ADC naming rule if you have?

Best Regards,


  • Hi Suzuki-san,

    The ADSxxxx are actually current TI data converters and legacy Burr-Brown devices.  You are correct on the ADSxxxx devices.  TLV/TLCxxxx are legacy TI devices and include both ADCs and DACs; these are TI Low Voltage and Low Voltage CMOS devices.  AMCxxxx are Analog Monitoring and Control devices which include fan controllers, current shunt monitors and special function devices that have both ADCs and DACs inside.  The DDC parts are current to digital converters.

  • Hi Tom-san,

    Thank you very much for your explanation!

    I could understand well.

    Best Regards,