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Spec and functionality clarification of AFE5851 Data Converter

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE5851, ADS5294

We have a customer with the following questions related to the datasheet of the analog front end Texas Instruments AFE5851.  Can you please answer?


1.       The absolute maximum ratings table (page 4) specify 2.2 volts maximum for “Digital control pins to DVSS” but the digital characteristics table (page 6) specify 3.6 volts maximum for “Digital Inputs – High-level input voltage”.  Moreover, the serial interface section (page 17) say “SEN_B has a 100K ohms pull-up resistor to DVDD18”.  Is the digital input signals are 1.8 volts or 3.3 volts logic level?


2.       Is the LVDS data outputs are MSB first or LSB first?


3.       In the general purpose register map (page 18) in function SERIALIZED_DATA_RATE the serialization factor 10X is define but the description of that function on page 23 say “it is not possible to select a 10 bit stream with a 12 bit ADC”.  Is the 10X serialization factor available?


4.       In the general purpose register map (page 19) the number in function OFFSET_CH9 doesn’t match the number in the description “Value to be subtracted from channel 10”.  There is the same inconsistency for OFFSET_CH10, OFFSET_CH11, OFFSET_CH12, OFFSET_CH13, OFFSET_CH14, OFFSET_CH15 et OFFSET_CH16.  Is OFFSET_CH9 related to channel 10 or to channel 9?  Is it the same answer for OFFSET_CH10 to OFFSET_CH16?


5.       Is the register offset subtraction applied after the test pattern?  In other words, can I choose a test pattern and applied the register offset subtraction to that test pattern?


6.       Is the TGC will work properly if the gain curve is at STOP_GAIN when the SYNC pulse occur?  In other words, is the gain curve need to be back to START_GAIN before the SYNC pulse occur?


  • Hi Gary,

    Thanks for asking questions for the customer.

    Yes, we are following the data sheet and modifying the GUI and Users Guide and will be send to TI website very soon.

    Also we will reply these customer questions to you very soon.

    Thank you!

    Best regards,


  • Hi Chen,

    Will you have a response soon?



  • Hi Gary,Our enginners are working on the customer questions now.
    We may give you more detail information about tomorrow.
    For the question 2, you can see the data sheet page 35.
    For the AFE5851 device, only LSB_First mode is allowed to use.
    Thanks and best regards,Chen
  • Hi Gary,
    For question 1, if you refer to TI AFE5851 Users Guide on page#19, 22. And also refer to other device ADS5294 data sheet page#5. Those explain the digital SPI inputs can accept 3.3V logic. While the clocks are still up to 2.2V.
    For question 2, LVDS Data outputs are LSB_FIRST mode only.
    MSB_FIRST mode has been deleted.For question 3,Data Sheet is correct.
    It is not possible to select a 10bit stream with a 12bit ADC.
    Therefore, 10X Serialization Factor is not available for using LSB_FIRST mode.
    For question 4,
    We test device in our lab, we observed The numbers in Function (such as OFFSET_CH9, OFFSET_CH10, and so on) are correct.
    Only The numbers in the description (such as “Value to be subtracted from channel 10” vs. “Value to be subtracted from channel 9”, and so on) are inverted. They are typo.
    For question 5,
    We tested the device in our lab and first we set up the test pattern and then we applied offset subtraction, then we observed:
    Only when test pattern (PATTERN_MODE) is set to be “No pattern” mode, the register Offset Subtraction can be applied.
    Other test pattern cannot be applied for the above purpose.For question 6,
    Here we will need to run this test using the EVM board.Thank you!Best regards,