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ADS131E04, SDATAC not working

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS131E04


I am trying for the first time to run an ADS131E04 as a stand alone ADC. DRDY signal has a frequency of about 32 kHz. By watching DRDY with the scope I was able to find out as follows:

- RESET (06h) stops DRDY

- START (08h) starts/restarts DRDY

- STOP (0Ah) stops DRDY

- SDATAC (11h) doesn't stop DRDY!

I guess as I am not able to stop Data Continuously mode, cannot write or read out any register.

I am using Power-up timing like in Page 27(Figure 23) and start-up sequencing like in page 33 (Figure 31).   I will appreciate any tip or help in this direction.



  • Hey Flori,

    SDATAC does not stop DRDY signals. It simply stops conversion data from automatically getting loaded into the output shift register. This exists because you would not want output data to corrupt a register read, but stopping the converter means you would have to wait another three conversion cycles before you could get valid data. The behavior you're describing is normal and expected.

    Brian Pisani
  • Thank you Brian for the fast response.

    In that case the problem must be somewhere else as I still cannot write/read registers. 

    I will try first to find out myself where the problem might be and maybe come back later.

  • Hey Flori,

    Try to capture an entire read operation on the scope and post it here for me to look at.

    Brian Pisani