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DDC112 dead time between chA and chB

Hi, folks

The page 10 of datasheet desribed intergrator timing(but also specifying not exact).

Is there any dead time betwen chA and chB of SINTx switch?

  • Kajino-San,

    We do not spec the if there is deadtime between these two switches as it does not affect the measurement by the front end of the DDC. Are you concerned with charge loss?



  • Adam,

    Thank you for your input. and sorry for late response due to my vacation.

    This is based upon patent confilict. (against JP# 5018409)
    According to this patent,

    1) Use of consecutive 2 measurement result
    2) 1st measurement for determinate measurement paramater. (i.e. Cap value and integ. time)
    3) 2nd measurement for true value

    Our customer thought that if dead time is exist, it can be avoidable. This is the reason why we want to know about "dead time".
  • Keiichi-San,

    I don't know about the patent or the patent process. Please let me know if I can help any further.

