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ADS1013: ADS1013 replace ADS1015 IN EVM Issue

Part Number: ADS1013
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1015,

Hi team,

I replace ADS1015 in EVM with a ADS1013 because almost the same except some register and PGA setting. I replace U1 with ADS1013. But I have questions and issue below.

1. When I config it to single end mode AIN0-GND, and I apply a 1V voltage at AIN0-GND, the output voltage is not 1V. The output is not right. I find there is no mux for ADS1013. So can I drive ADS1013 by single end signal? Like AIN0=1V and AIN1=0V?

2 The EVM Userguide schematics is not the board's schematics now. It seems out of date. Could you share the latest schematics? There is no resistor between AINx and J1.

3 Where else do I need to pay attention for the replacement with ADS1013?

Best Regards


  • Michael,

    You can replace the device, but the ADS1013 doesn't quite have the same functionality as the ADS1015. I'll just answer your questions in the order that you asked them.

    1. The ADS1013 does not have a single ended mode. The only input available is AINP=AIN0 and AINN=AIN1. Here's a portion of the Configuration Register settings to show the the limited input:

    2. The schematics had been updated shortly after release. I believe these are the newest schematics:


    3. When changing the ADS1015 for an ADS1013, there will be less functionality. However, all the information can be found in Table 6 of the datasheet. Here are the features are set or removed.

    - Input multiplexer is limited to AINP=AIN0 and AINN=AIN1

    - The input range can only be set to ±2.048V

    - There is no comparator mode

    - There is no ALERT/RDY

    Bits 4:0 in the Configuration Register will serve no function in the ADS1013.

    Hopefully this answers your question. Let me know if you have any other issues with the ADS1013 or your EVM.

    Joseph Wu