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TSW1400EVM Labview VI's missing libraries

Hi all. I am using a TSW1400EVM pattern generator for a high speed characterisation system, which I would like to control via Labview. I see that the GUI's shipped with the module are Labview based, and there are a number of example VI's for firmware and waveform download supplied with the GUI software. However, when I try to open these VI's Labview finds that there are pieces missing. For example, "TSW1400.lvlib:TSW 1400_Token compatibility for" (for

I've searched for this lvlib file on my entire C drive, and it doesn't exist. Can anyone suggest how I find these files? Also, when I open, some of the call library interface nodes have no path set up, whilst others have paths hardcoded to someone elses install. The latter case I can figure out how to correct, but the empty ones I haven't managed to guess since there is no dll name to search for.

Many thanks for any suggestions.

Robin Wesson

  • Hi Robin,

    Please copy the folder in the attached zip file (below) to the location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\High Speed Data Converter Pro\1400 Details


    Matt Guibord 

  • Hello Mat,

    Thanks for the example code, we've been running with it for a while with good results. I'm trying to streamline it a bit now, as I'm handing over to some other demo users, and I've hit a wrinkle. I'd like to be able to check if the firmware is downloaded already before re-downloading it every time I run my labview GUI. I looked through the automation dll manual and examples, and I realized that it was using a separate dll, one which (I think) controls the HSDC GUI rather than working with the same dll's as that GUI. The demo code you gave me runs without the HSDC Pro gui loaded.

    The automation API demo code uses : HSDCProAutomation.dll which requires the GUI to be running. The demo code you shared uses TSW1400Board_CLib_1.0.dll

    Is there a way I can check before re-downloading whether the right firmware is already loaded? Or, is there a list of the functions in the dll you used, so I can investigate how I might work this out for myself?

    Also, I'd like to be able to configure the TSW30SH84 daughter board from labview, do you know if this is possible?

    Thanks for your help, both last time and again now.


    BTW, we've bought about eight TSW1400's now, its a great R&D tool! Do I get to be a super user yet?

  • Hi,

    I still cannot get our new TSW1400 EVM (with new dll version) running with our code created based on the demo code provided in this thread on the 15th April 2013.

    The latest download came with file TSW1400Board_CLib.dll modified 7/7/2014 193KB
    Our existing demo system runs with an older TSW1400, and uses a dll file of the same name, modified 29/10/2013 160KB

    The new TSW1400 doesn't work with either dll.

    I've half got it working by using the new dll for all calls in the example code provided except the binary file convert step. This needs the old dll file. Mixing and matching this way I can get the system to write something. Occasionally the output is clean, but 90% of the time it is corrupted.

    Basically, if you can provide an updated version of the demo code provided above hat works with the latest dll and TSW1400 boards, I should be able to get the system up and running again.

    thanks and best
  • Hi Rob,

    We've stopped supporting the original version of the DLL. As new devices were released the support very quickly became a nightmare. Instead we've moved to the Automation DLL, which allows direct control of HSDCPro through a DLL. This means that High Speed Data Converter Pro must be open and will be directly responsible for communication with the TSW1400. This is "future proof" since updates to HSDCPro should not affect the basic API calls. This DLL is available in the following folder and includes C, Matlab, and Labview examples. I would suggest moving your platform to this DLL instead - I suspect it will be fairly easy after becoming acquainted with it.

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\High Speed Data Converter Pro\HSDCPro Automation DLL

    Otherwise we can provide the older version of HSDCPro - dated around October 2013 - for you to use with your legacy software. Note that the TSW1400 hasn't changed, just the DLL and firmware that is included with HSDCPro. So even your newer TSW1400's should work with the older firmware and DLL.

    Matt Guibord
  • Hi Matt, I'll definitely take a look into the new way of working, it sounds like the smart thing to do is to go with the flow. However, we have quite a bit of demo code that uses the old way. Could you share the older version of HSDC Pro?

    Many thanks


  • Hi Matt, could you provide the 2003 HSDC Pro GUI install file?

