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Custom Firmware TSW1400

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS5404, DAC34H84


First, apologies for posting a few times in the past few days. I figured it would be easier to start a new thread then to try and keep the other one alive. I'm close to being able to begin to develop, but I'm still having difficulties getting firmware on the board. I am using Quartus II to create bit files, and I'm putting them on the board with HSDC Pro. My other post inquiring about JTAG vs USB-JTAG is here:

As explained in a few other threads, when you upload a custom firmware using HSDC Pro, you get the following error message:

"No firmware. Please select a device to load firmware to the board."

This, of course, neither confirms or rejects that the firmware has actually made it to the board. My understanding is it only means that the custom firmware will not properly communicate with HSDC Pro. So, to test this, I added the following lines to the end of my project file for verification the firmware is loaded:

assign led[0] = 1'b1;
assign led[1] = 1'b1;
assign led[2] = 1'b0;
assign led[3] = 1'b0;
assign led[4] = 1'b1;
assign led[5] = 1'b1;
assign led[6] = 1'b0;
assign led[7] = 1'b1;

However, when burning the firmware, the LEDs do not light up. I understand that custom firmware isn't really supported, but I'm using source code taken directly from a TI application note here:

I'm just changing the LEDs to confirm the HSDC Pro is doing what it is supposed to be doing. The pin assignments should be correct, as they are unchanged directly from TI's code. As the pins are either tied directly to VCC or GND, the LEDs should light up (or not for the 1'b0 ones) whether or not the rest of the system is functioning as normal. What could be causing HSDC Pro to not be properly burning the firmware?

  • Bump, for visibility. I haven't been able to burn custom firmware yet. If TI doesn't have a solution for the issue, can I have source code for the TSW1400+DAC34H84 or TSW1400+ADS5404 that is known to work, and I can try to troubleshoot from there? If there is an obvious fix, that would be preferable. 

    More info:

    HSDC PRO: GUI V2.50, DLL V0.1, Firware V15.15

    Windows Vista Ultimate x64

    Quartus II x64 V13.1.0 Build 162

  • Nicholai,

    The ADC firmware can be found at the following link:

    The DAC firmware can be found at the following link:



  • Jim,

    Thank you for your reply. This helps me narrow the problem down quite a bit. Looking at the DAC firmware, there are a few .rbf files already created in the .zip file. If I use HSDC Pro to upload this bit file, the firmware is programmed without issue, and the LEDs light up.

    However, if I compile and create programming files from the project file itself with no changesthe firmware does not load properly. That is, here are the steps I'm following:

    1. Open the .qar in Quartus (I tried both .qar files, and the .qpf file).
    2. Go to Assignments->Settings...->Device...->Device and Pin Options...
    3. Check 'Raw Binary File (.rbf)'
    4. Run Analysis & Synthesis->Fitter (Place & Route)-> Assember (Generate programming files)
    5. Run HSDC Pro, and upload the firmware.

    After following these steps, I get an error that there was no firmware burned, and, the LEDs do not light up. Note, this is the project file from TI, with no changes in the code.

    Is there an issue with how I am generating the rbf file? Or do you think the issue lies with HSDC Pro? I do not have a way to get my own firmware burned if I cannot even get firware directly from TI to burn.

    Thank you for your assistance, 


  • Nicholai,

    I compiled the ADC firmware I sent you, generated a new .rbf file using the instructions I attached, loaded the file with HSDC pro and had no problems. This is how you must generate the rbf files. I am not sure about the method you used.


    Jim7532.Generating .rbf file.pptx

  • Jim,

    Using your method of generating an .rbf file seems to work, thanks! I tested it with my own project. I won't bother trying to figure out why generating an .rbf automatically doesn't work, while converting an .sof does, and just chalk that up as a Quartus quirk. Thanks again for your time, and for going through the effort of making a power point!
