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ADS42LB69 Clock Input DC-coupled

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS42LB69


ADS42LB69 DataSheet specifies Clock Input  with only ac-coupled condition (on page 3).

Can it connect dc-coupled?

If Yes, what is differential common mode voltage range, and ac amplitude minimum and maximum values?

Best regards,


  • Hi Masa

    The device performance is only specified for an ac-coupled clock.

    The clock amplitude is specified in the CLOCK INPUT section of the RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS table on page 3 of the datasheet. Since the clock duty cycle must be in the range of 35% to 65% (the clock cannot be static high or static low) there is no reason to DC couple the clock source to the clock inputs.  


    Jim B


  • Hi Jim,Thank you very much for your answer.Masa
  • Hi Jum,

    I have another question got from your explanation.

    "Since the clock duty cycle must be in the range of 35% to 65% (the clock cannot be static high or static low)"

    Can clock be stopped when it was not used?

    I got  "Yes" at the another E2E question and answer below.

    Best regards,



  • Hi Masa

    Per Eben's earlier answer that you reference it is OK to stop the clock.

    If AC coupled clock inputs are used it will likely not be possible to reliably stop the clock, since the differential inputs will self-bias to the 1.4V level when the clock source is static. In this state the clock receive can trigger on any small amounts of noise present at the differential input and some converter activity will occur.

    Therefore to provide a clock source that can reliably stop in a logic 0 or logic 1 state, and provide good device performance when active, a DC coupled clock source should be used.

    The clock source should be a differential source with a 1.4 V common mode voltage to match the internal bias level of the clock receiver. The  clock amplitude should be set to give the necessary SNR performance for the application. Refer to Figure 37 and Figure 38 which show SNR and SFDR performance versus CLOCK AMPLITUDE.

    Best regards,

    Jim B

  • Hi Jim,

    Thank you very much for your answer. I understand that stopping clock is no problem.

    and I would like to confirm that the following your message is a general comment or ADS42LB69 can use/should use DC coupled clock?

    "Therefore to provide a clock source that can reliably stop in a logic 0 or logic 1 state, and provide good device performance when active, a DC coupled clock source should be used."

    Best regards,


  • Hi Masa

    In general customers wish to stop the clock to an ADC to minimize the power consumed by the device, and stop output data and data clocks.

    If the input clock is AC coupled then there is a good possibility than once the AC-coupling capacitors de-bias the differential plus and minus inputs will be at approximately the same voltage. In this condition the clock receiver may trigger on any small amount of noise present on those inputs. If this unpredictable clocking is OK in the application then AC coupling should be maintained.

    If unpredictable clocking cannot be tolerated in the application then the clock inputs must be DC coupled. 

    If a DC coupled clock connection must be used then it is very important to match the common mode voltage of the clock source to the common mode voltage of the clock receiver. If the common mode voltage is matched properly and duty cycle is maintained within datasheet limits performance should be OK.

    Best regards,

    Jim B


  • Hi Jim,

    Thank you very much for your kind explanation. 

    Best regards,


  • Hi Jim,

    May I have a question again about the common-mode voltage RANGE(min and max) of the dc-coupled clock input? 

    The clock input source will be designed to match the internal bias leve of the clock receiver.

    I am refereing CLOCK INPUT section (on page 60 of the datasheet) indicating typical 1.4V.


    Best regards,


  • Hello Jim,May I have your answer? Masa
  • Jim,
    May I have your answer?
    Best regards,
  • Hi Masa,

    For best performance, we do not recommend DC coupling to the clock input for this device.
    The common mode for the clock input is generated internally and the device has been characterized only under conditions where the clock is ac coupled.
    DC coupling to the clock input is not supported for this device so we have not characterized min/max of the clock common mode or the current sourcing/sinking capabilities of the clock input to allow successful dc coupling without degrading performance.

  • Hi Eben,

    Thank you for the answer.
