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Data Capture using TSW1400EVM


I am using two TSW1400 EVMs. One with TSW1266 EVM for data capture and another with TSW30SH84 EVM for data transmission. I have following queries:

1. I want to capture baseband data to further process in Matlab etc. Applictaion note says that data can be captured in .CSV format. However I am not able to see where .CSV files are being stored? 

2. Is it possible to run both TSW1400 EVMs using same PC. I need to send and capture data simultaneously.



  • Meenakshi,

    You must select the save CSV data within the FIle menu option.

    You may connect multiple TSW14xxx to the PC, however only 1 HSDC pro can be run at one time and it can only connect to 1 TSW14xxx EVM at a time.  You will need to connect to the ADC TSW1400, configure it to trigger externally and then connect to the DAC and set it to start generating a pattern.  The TSW1400 will spit out a frame sync pulse on each loop of the TX buffer.  This can be used to trigger the ADC capture side.  You can see the users guide for HSDC Pro for more info on how to use the trigger modes.

    Once the trigger is completed you can disconnect HSDC Pro from the DAC TSW1400 and connect HSDC Pro to the ADC TSW1400 and read the data from DDR memory.


  • Hello Ken,
    Many thanks for clarifying it.