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I would like to know how the PGA is affected by a DC voltage or bias voltage.

For example, please consider the following...

== Scenario 1 ==

ADS1115 Connected in SE mode (CH1- grounded).

A 1uF capacitor is used to AC couple a low-frequency signal to the CH1+ input.

A 10K resistor is connected from the CH1+ input to a voltage reference of +2.05V. This voltage is used to bias the converter in such a way as to allow both positive and negative voltage swings to be measured.

If no signal is present (just the 2.05V bias) what will the output of the converter be when the PGA is configured for 1X, 2X, 4X, 8X, 16X?

Is the GAIN centered AROUND the 2.05V bias (the midpoint of the FS reading of the converter)? Or, will the gain of the PGA affect the output of the converter because it is amplifying the DC bias voltage?

== Scenario 2 ==

Assume the ADS1115 is connected in DIFFERENTIAL mode as follows...

Low frequency signal is AC coupled to the CH1+ input via a 1uF capacitor.

A 2.05V DC bias is applied to the CH1+ input with a 10K resistor.

The CH1- input is connected directly to the 2.05V bias voltage.

Would this work? It would seem that the AC input voltage would "swing" around the +2.05V DC bias voltage.

Would this method allow me to take advantage of all 16 bits (positive AND negative) readings?

How would the gain of the PGA affect my readings? Essentially, I would like to use the PGA to amplify the AC signal as necessary WITHOUT the DC bias affecting the measurement.

Which technique is better (if any)?

Thanks in advance.

  • Wayne,

    The inputs for the ADS1115 are not designed to take an AC coupled signal. The inputs will take the voltage it sees for the measurement.

    If you connect the CH1+ input to 2.05V through a 10k resistor, the input impedance of the ADC is so high, that it will still look like 2.05V to the ADC. Figure 26 shows the basic equivalent circuit showing how it is sampled, and Table 2 shows the equivalent input impedance.

    In scenario 1, the input would see the 2.05V, a PGA setting of 2 would likely put you at the full scale.

    In scenario 2, you might be elminating the DC voltage, but the frequency response of the ADC (as shown in Figure 21) would limit the usable frequency range of the device. Still, I don't think you'd be able to couple in enough AC signal to measure anything.

    I think it would be better to do some sort of signal conditioning on the front end to get you the input you need to measure with this device. If you let me know what it is that you are measuring. I might be able to help you better.

    Joseph Wu

  • Thanks for the quick response. Please take a look at the attached image.

    This circuit will convert a single-ended input to a pair of inverted signals that can drive the ADS1115.

    The low-frequency signal is AC coupled to an unit-gain inverting op-amp. The capacitor C1 is required because the AC signal is originating from a sensor that has a static DC offset.

    The inverted output of the first op-amp feeds the CH1- input to the ADS1115. This signal is also used to provide an input to the second unity-gain inverting op-amp. The output of the second op-amp then feeds the CH1+ input on the ADS1115.

    Both op-amps are referenced to 2.5V. The DC offset voltage at both outputs will be 2.5V.

    Will this work?

    I am assuming that the gain of the PGA is a multiplier of the DIFFERENTIAL between CH1+ and CH1-. If this is the case, then all of the gains in the PGA should work properly because the offset voltage on CH1+ and CH1- is the same (2.5V).

    If this circuit will work, would you recommend using a 1uF cap prior to the second op-amp.

    Thanks again.

  • Wayne

    The circuit might work, but it's not what you want for a front end of the device.

    In your circuit, you used the capacitor to AC couple into the amplifier. It essentially blocks DC as a high pass filter. On the other end, you measure with the ADC, which is used more for low frequency measurements. Note the frequency response of the ADS1115 shown in Figure 21 (higher SPS will give a wider frequency response). The point is that you have a limited frequency range which this will operate.

    A better option would be to take the input signal and not AC couple it, connecting it directly to the input. Then take the same signal, and build a low pass filter through and alternate path and send the resulting DC or low frequency signal into the other input of the ADC. That way you measure what you want, without the DC bias.

    Joseph Wu

  • I wanted to provide an update. My circuit is working well. I use an op-amp in a cross-coupled configuration to convert the single-ended input into a differential output.

    The sensor is AC-coupled to the op-am with a 1 uF cap. The Fc based on the components I am using is 7.95 Hz.

    For my application, I wanted to eliminate the DC input component prior to feeding the signal to the op-amp and converter because DC offset is amplified by the PGA of the converter. I need to maximize my dynamic range and this technique seems to work well. With the values I have selected, the DC offset is 22 counts (out of 65535) for unity gain. I may try some 0.1% resistor values to see if I can trim the offset to be closer to 0.

    I take 512 SPS with the converter. I then use a 512 point FFT. This gives me 1 Hz frequency resolution with a max frequency of 256 Hz. I am only interested in 10-100 Hz.

    I don't know WHY TI selected free-running speeds such as 250 (instead of 256) and 860 (instead of 512). Using acquisition speeds that are not powers of 2 makes it a real pain to acquire and process via FFT. For example, instead of allowing the converter to run at 512 SPS (where I could monitor the RDY pin and then read the conversion value), I must now SEND a request to the device for a single conversion and then wait for the conversion 512 times per second.

    I thought about running the device in continuous mode at 860 SPS and then reading the conversion results at 512 times per second. I am not sure how (if any) this would affect the FFT. I sure would like to do this if possible. Please let me know your thoughts on this.


  • Wayne,

    I'm glad you were able to get your system running.

    I believe that the ADS1115 should work the way you describe. It's basically operating the device at 512 SPS in single shot mode each time. To run in single shot, there's about a 20us needed to wake up the device before starting the conversion.

    I don't think this would affect the FFT much. There may be some errors based on the internal oscillator (which would be more important if you're going over a wide temperature range).

    Incidentally, I understand that the data rate selections are a bit unusual. This is due to the nature of the ADC. The operation of the ADC significantly changes while changing the data rate. There's different switching and digital overhead.

    Joseph Wu

  • Joseph,

    I have two options...

    1. Start single-shot conversion and repeat 512 times per second.

    >LOOP Start single conversion

    >Wait .001953 seconds (1/512 seconds)

    >LOOP Read conversion results and start over

    2. Configure the device for continuous acquisition at 860 SPS and then read the latest conversion 512 times per second.

    >Start Continuous Measurement at 860 SPS

    >LOOP Wait .001953 seconds (1/512 seconds)

    >LOOP Read conversion results and start over

    The second method is easier because I do not have to start the conversion for each sample. I would think that the results would be almost identical between these two methods but I am not sure. What are your thoughts?

  • Wayne,

    My first thought is that the first method is more accurate in time. If you do the single shot conversion, your data is syncronized in time. And you don't have to worry about how the 860SPS lines up  with 512SPS.

    In the second method, you aren't syncronized with time. While the data will be coming out at 860SPS, you'll basically get two data that are spaced 1.16ms apart, miss a data, and get two more data 1.16ms apart and it repeat. It's a bit of an inconsistent window in measurement. That may not be a problem for you, especially if you're interested in lower frequencies, but I thought I'd bring it up. This second method is simpler implement.

    Regardless, both methods should work.

    Joseph Wu

  • Joseph,

    That is my thought as well. That is the method I will adopt.

    Thanks for all of your assistance.