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LMP90100 analog ground and layout

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMP90100


We are desinging a system with a very similar to LMP90100EV one RTD and a thermocouple. We have a few questions about the design.

1-) Thermocouple input has got a kind of filter but it is unbalanced would not it cause any problems ? A you can see from suggests a slightly different but balanced filter.

2-) LMP90100 doesn't have analog signal groud pin. Is it internally connected to the digital ground ? what would be the better way seperate the analog and digital ground then connect them on a single point or this single point in the chip it self ?

3-) Can you make design files of LMP90100EV avalilable ?



  • Hi Mehmet,

    I do not find the Anyway the schematic of the thermocouple + temp sensor in the EVM user guide with unbalnced filter is well done. The output of the thermocople is single-end.

    In the LMP90100 there is only one ground, so you can think that GND=DGND inside the device. Insetad of having 2 different goround, one for analog and another for digital, we have 2 different voltage supply VIO and VA. In this way the digital domain can match the domain of the microcontroller. The classical star connection for the GND is fine.

    I have to check if we can sahre design files.

