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Question on ADS1274 SPI Interface

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADS1274


I have plan to use ADS1274.

According to figure 88 in the datasheet,

DOUT1 is connected through D-flip-flop to DSP.

I also found this D-flip-flop in the ADS1278EVM Schematics too.

If I use SPI instead of Frame-Sync, Can I remove D-fliplflop from my design?

Is this D-flip-flop only for Frame-Sync mode?

With ADS1278EVM, User can select SPI or Frame-Sync mode, but DOUT1 has always D-flip-flop.

So, I am not sure whether I should D-flip-flop also.

and, Is there any detail information about why D-flip-flop should be used even in the Frame-sync mode.

( I couldn't understand why it is necessary)

Thank you for your help in advance.

Best Regards

Hak-Jin Jeong 

  • Hello Hak-Jin,

    Thank you for your post!

    Both SPI and Frame-Sync mode allow you to output data in Discrete Data Output Mode. This uses one pin (DOUT1) to output all of the channel data. To do this requires a faster SCLK, and you may find that a faster SCLK violates some of the required timing specs. To avoid losing data, the D flip-flop is used to hold and re-clock the previous bit to the microprocessor.

    You can refer to this post for more details:

    Let me know if this helps. If you are still unsure, please provide your master CLK, data rate, and SCLK settings for your application. :)

    Best Regards,
  • Hello,

    I have one more question.

    If D-flip-flop is used, DOUT1 will be delayed about half period of SCLK.

    How does SPI Master process this data delay?

    Best Regards

    Hak-Jin Jeong