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Using McASP for ADS1278

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM5728, DM3730, ADS1278


Does anyone have any examples of interfacing with the ADS1278 (or similar) ADC using the McASP port? I built a system a few years ago using the DM3730 McBSP interface and was wondering if there were any major "need to knows" when using McASP. We are currently planning to use the AM5728 processor.

  • This question was cross posted in the Sitara processor forum as well. Just updating this thread with the answer for anyone else wondering.
  • Hi Kyle,

    Thank you for the update. If you continue to have any questions specific to the ADS1278 interface, please post them here on our forum and our team will help you.

    Best Regards,

  • Ryan,

    Only question still unanswered is the use of the frame sync signals. Is it correct to use the FSX (frame sync transmit) signal on the McASP port to signal the ADS1278 to send data? Just a little confusion on the software side since McASP also has a FSR pin for frame sync receive. We are assuming the later is used for receiving a frame from another device but would like to make sure before finalizing schematics
  • Hi Kyle,

    I'm not familiar with the AM5728, but the FSX sounds like the correct signal to use, so I believe you are correct. In Frame-Sync mode, the ADS1278 operates in a 'slave' fashion and expects to receive the FSYNC and SCLK signals from the host processor; other devices do offer a Frame-Sync Master mode in which the device would source the FSYNC and SCLK signals to the host. The ADS1278 does not offer this, but the latter would use the FSR pin in that case.

    Best Regards,