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Using the DSK6713 with CCSv4 on a 64-bit Windows 7 OS

I am attempting to use the old DSK6713 spectrum digital DSP boards with new 64-bit Windows 7 OS.  Previously we used CCSv3 and could simply make matlab simulink models and generate code for CCSv3 with matlabs Real Time Workshop.  I realize the newer CCSv4 does not work like this and you must utilize makefiles in matalb, target configuration files in CCSv4, and a command prompt to actually send the code to the DSP board. 

I have been attempting this by going through the following mathworks tutorial:

I tried everything in here, but I still can not manage to pass a simple simulink model into CCSv4 or the DSK6713.   

When I try to build my model to generate the .out file to pass to CCSv4 matlab outputs the following:

### Generating code into build folder: C:\Users\bschilli\Desktop\delay\delay_ticcs
### Invoking Target Language Compiler on delay.rtw
### Using System Target File: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011b\toolbox\idelink\foundation\pjtgenerator\rtw\idelink_ert.tlc
### Loading TLC function libraries
### Initial pass through model to cache user defined code
### Caching model source code
### Writing header file delay.h
### Writing header file delay_types.h
### Writing header file MW_c6xxx_csl.h
### Writing source file MW_c6xxx_csl.c
### Writing header file MW_c6xxx_bsl.h
### Writing source file MW_c6xxx_bsl.c
### Writing header file rtwtypes.h
### Writing source file delay.c
### Writing header file delay_private.h
### Writing source file delay_data.c
### Writing source file delay_main.c
### TLC code generation complete.
.### Creating project marker file: rtw_proj.tmw
### Creating makefile: C:\Users\bschilli\Desktop\delay\delay_ticcs\
### Makefile creation done.
### Building makefile...

And then it always breaks down with a few error messages popping up.  As such I am assuming I am doing something wrong with my makefiles, but I can not figure out what.  The error message that comes up looks like this:

The build failed with the following message: "C:/Program Files/Texas Instruments/ccsv4/tools/compiler/C6000/bin/cl6x" -I"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011b\toolbox\idelink\extensions\ticcs\inc" -I"C:\Users\bschilli\Desktop\delay\delay_ticcs" -I"C:\Users\bschilli\Desktop\delay" -I"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011b\extern\include" -I"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011b\simulink\include" -I"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011b\rtw\c\src" -I"C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2011b\toolbox\dsp\include" -D"CHIP_6713" -D"__TICCSC__" -D"RT" -D"USE_RTMODEL" -mv6710 -D"MODEL=delay" -D"NUMST=1" -D"NCSTATES=0" -D"HAVESTDIO=" -D"INTEGER_CODE=0" -D"MT=0" -I"C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\tools\compiler\C6000\include" -I"C:\Program Files\Texas Instruments\ccsv4\tools\compiler\c6000\include" -fr"./derived/" ./rt_sim.c ./MW_c6xxx_bsl.c ./MW_c6xxx_csl.c ./delay.c ./delay_data.c ./delay_main.c ./rtGetInf.c ./rtGetNaN.c ./rt_nonfinite.c [rt_sim.c] "./rt_sim.c",

line 68: warning: variable "td_struct" was declared but never referenced

[MW_c6xxx_bsl.c] ".\MW_c6xxx_csl.h", line 3: fatal error: could not open source file "csl_edma.h"

1 fatal error detected in the compilation of "./MW_c6xxx_bsl.c".
Compilation terminated.

gmake: *** [derived/rt_sim.obj] Error 1

Please send any input you might have on what the errors means or what dumb thing I may be doing wrong.  I can provide more details about my process but I essentially followed the mathworks tutorial as best I could.  Thanks for any help.

  • Hi Ben,

    One thing to keep in mind when migrating to v4 from v3 is that CCS no longer comes withe CSL. v3 comes with CSL and v3 know where to look for it. v4 does not. You will need to download CSL on to your machine and update the makefile to have the path to the CSL header files and link in the appropriate CSL library.

    Download CSL from here:



  • Ki,

    You were definitely right about the CSL, before my makefile was mapping to some C2000 folder.  I downloaded what you suggested and changed the CSL path to the directory, though I am still getting the same error.  What do you mean by linking the appropriate CSL library? 

    Also it seems from my errors I can not connect to the BH560 emulator.  When I open the BH560v2 Config Utility with my DSK6713 board connected through the USB I can not even find it.  Do you know any way to fix this?

    Thanks so much for the help.


  • Ben,

    Ben Schilling said:
    What do you mean by linking the appropriate CSL library? 

    You need to make sure that you are adding the CSL library (csl6713.lib) for your target during the linking stage of your build. It is specified with the '-l' or '--library' option.

    Ben Schilling said:
    Also it seems from my errors I can not connect to the BH560 emulator.  When I open the BH560v2 Config Utility with my DSK6713 board connected through the USB I can not even find it.

    Are you using a BH560v2 emulator or just a BH560 emulator? the 560v2 is the next generation of the XDS560 and the BH560v2 config utility is specifically for the 560v2.



  • Hi dear Sir !
    sir i am using c6713 dsk with matlab simulink. sir after xmakefilesetup i can build my simulink model succesfully, however the .out file is not generating.

    the last two lines after building the model are as follow:

    * Created executable: zai2.exe
    ### Successful completion of build procedure for model: zai2

    sir please help me, i will be very thankfull to you

    my email address is