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Errors with debugging an old project

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F1611

I 'm using Code Composer Studio 6.0 .

I start working an old project and after the build that requires i  see that have  10 errors .

I try to change the compiler version believe that  fix the errors . 

After the install the compiler 4.1.1  i see two errors:

1. gmake: *** No rule to make target `clean'.

2. This project was created using a version of compiler that is not currently installed: null [MSP430]. Please go to <a href="liveaction:OpenAppCenter">CCS App Center</a> to install the compiler of this version, or migrate the project to one of the available compiler versions by adjusting project properties.

I try to change from Properties the compiler version from 4.3.3 to 4.1.1  but   Internal Error:  java.lang.NullPointerException

What can i do to debug without errors  and start working to the old project ??


  • Hi,

    Aristides-Ioannis Vamiedakis said:
    What can i do to debug without errors  and start working to the old project ??

    Do you know which version of CCS was used to build the old project?



  • Hello,

    Unfortunately I have no idea. 



  • Aristides-Ioannis Vamiedakis said:

    I try to change from Properties the compiler version from 4.3.3 to 4.1.1  but   Internal Error:  java.lang.NullPointerException

    Depending on which version of CCS was used to create the original project it may not always be a clean migration to CCSv6. Are you sure this project built fine with a previous version of CCS?

    Aristides-Ioannis Vamiedakis said:
    I start working an old project and after the build that requires i  see that have  10 errors .

    You mention getting 10 errors when you originally imported the project and built it with CCSv6. If you can copy and paste the build output that shows these errors to a text file and attach it here, we might be able to help explain what those errors mean and why they may be occuring.

    If it is a small project, it might be easiest if you could zip up the entire project and attach it here. That way we can reproduce the errors locally and take a look.

  • I discovered that the project was create in code composer essentials versions 2.0

    I install all the compilers of msp430 i built again the project .
    After to fix the error  gmake: *** No rule to make target `clean'. I go to Built Configurations->Built All
    and  then  i see that have only one error without changing  the code.

    Then i debug the project and the error return (gmake: *** No rule to make target `clean'.)


    So we have again the errors 

    This project was created using a version of compiler that is not currently installed: null [MSP430]. Please go to <a href="liveaction:OpenAppCenter">CCS App Center</a> to install the compiler of this version, or migrate the project to one of the available compiler versions by adjusting project properties.

    So the question is how to migrate from code composer essentials version2.0 to code composer studio version 6.0 ?

  • Code Composer Essentials 2.0 is a very old version and I can't say with certianty that projects would migrate without issues to CCSv6. The quickest way to address this might be to simply create a new project in CCSv6, and add all the required source file/build options etc to the new project. Ofcourse this does presume some understanding of the projects and build system in CCSv6.

    If you are completely new to CCS, this wiki could be helpful to give an introduction to the project/build system.

  • I find the code composer essentials v2.0 and then i bulit the project and i see 13 warnings.

    After  testing the cable that connect Jtag with MSP430F1611 we found that one route wasn't working.Fixed that an now we've got this.

    Hope this'll help: The FET PRO- 430 works fine and sees the MSP430F1611 but CCE can't!!(I think)

    What can we do??

  • Aristides-Ioannis Vamiedakis said:
    After  testing the cable that connect Jtag with MSP430F1611 we found that one route wasn't working.Fixed that an now we've got this.

    As I mentioned earlier, CCE 2.0 is a very old version and no longer supoprted so will be a challenge to debug and address issues with that version. The only recommendation I would have is to check if the product includes documentation on that specific version of CCE and MSP-FET430 that you might refer to for troubleshooting debugger issues on your own.

    Moving forward I would strongly suggest updating to CCSv6. The initial migration might be a bit challenging but once you get your projects migrated it will be a much better supported envioronment to work with.