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pre-build steps setting problem in CCS v6

In CCS v3.3, we can add pre-build command with condition "when any file builds". How to implement this functionality in CCS v6? 

  • Hi,

    If you want to apply a custom build step to each file, right click on it and select Properties. You should see a screen similar to what is shown below:

    I am unsure if there is a global "per file" build step.

    Hope this helps,


  • Thanks, But it is not exactly what I wanted.

    I think the pre-build steps are applicable to the whole project, not a single file.

    In CCS v3.3, the run condition "when any file builds" means if no file of the project is built, the custom build command will not be executed. However in CCS v6, without the run condition, each time the project is built, the pre-build step will be executed. How to realize the familiar functionality as in CCS v3.3? That's what I wanted.

  • Hi,

    Sorry, now I got what was the original intent. I did some experimentation and found out this behavior is expected for the CDT (check the Eclipse documentation) but it only works when using Eclipse's Internal builder (this is shown in this bugzilla).

    This option is only available for standard CDT projects but not for CCS projects (perhaps incompatibilities prompted suppressing this option).

    I will reply back if I get some additional information but unfortunately at this time this behavior is not possible to be enabled.

    I apologize for the inconvenience,



  • Hi, Rafael

    Still thank you anyway.

    Looking forward to hear from you

  • Try this workaround:

    1. Open the project Properties, go to CCS Build > Builder tab, and uncheck the Generate Makefiles automatically checkbox.
    2. Open the Debug/makefile file in your project.
    3. Add the "$(C_SRCS)" pre-requisite and the rule "-@echo time >> pre-build" to your pre-build step:
      pre-build: $(C_SRCS)
      	-@echo BEFORE
      	-@echo time >> pre-build
      	-@echo ' '
    4. Add the rule "-$(RM) "pre-build"" at the end of the "clean" make target:
      	-$(RM) "main.pp" 
      	-$(RM) "main.obj" 
      	-$(RM) "pre-build"
      	-@echo 'Finished clean'
      	-@echo ' '

    This would run your pre-build step only when any of the "C" files change, or after the project is cleaned.  Is this the behaviour you are looking for?


    - Baltasar

  • Hi, Baltasar

    I did The test according to your suggestion.
    The result is:
    a). Yes, if no "C" file is built, my custom pre-build step will not be executed. The console info shows as below:
    "D:\\ti\\ccsv6\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -j 4 all
    gmake[1]: `pre-build' is up to date.
    gmake[1]: Nothing to be done for `main-build'.
    b). But, if I change one of the "C" files(named xxxxx.c), my custom pre-build step will not be executed either.
    The console info shows as below:
    "D:\\ti\\ccsv6\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -j 4 all
    gmake[1]: `pre-build' is up to date.
    'Building file: G:/xxx/xxx/src/xxxxx.C'

    The modified makefile shows as below:
    pre-build: $(C_SRCS)
    -my pre-build command
    -@echo BEFORE
    -@echo time >> pre-build
    -@echo ' '
    Is is right?

  • Has this problem that pre-build/post-build does not work for CCS project been fixed in CCS v6.2?

    I have tried it but it does not seem to work.


    -- Louis