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Unable to install CCS


I'm not able to disable my firewall from my computer as is from my work, for that reason I'm not able to install CCS. I have Windows 8.1. I would like to know if there is any CCS version that allows to install with firewall running. I tried already offline installation with version CCS6.0.0.00190 with no luck.



  • The offline installer should have not require any network connectivity to complete. It may still be impeded by anti-virus software. I also recommend using v6.0.1 which was recently released.

  • Hello AndyW,

    I just downloaded the offline installer from v6.0.1, I turned off my WIFI, disable the anti-virus and the firewall (just in case). The first time I tried to install it the computer restarted in the middle of the installation, after reboot I tried again and now is working :)



  • Pascal,

    Regarding the PC restart: I have seen another case where one of the Microsoft re-distributable library packages forced a restart even though the command line options passed to the MS installer ask this not be done.We have not figured out how to make sure this does not happen. I'm glad it is working now though.