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CCS v6.0.1 crashes while loading symbols


My config:

Host PC:
Kubuntu 12.0.4
alex@alex-GA-MA790GP-DS4H:~$ uname -a
Linux alex-GA-MA790GP-DS4H 3.2.0-67-generic-pae #101-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 18:04:54 UTC 2014 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux



Code Composer Studio:


arm-2010q1 arm-none-linux-gnueabi-

I need to debug wifi driver, to do so, i've created a C/C++ makefile project with existing code in CCS. Then i patched the kernel (turn on "Compile kernel with debug info" and so on...), after that I’ve rebuilt  the wi-fi driver.
The troubles starts then i try to load symbols from my wifi driver. After pressing OK button in the Load symbols window the CCS begins to load symbols, but crashes after a couple of seconds. There aren't any error messages or something else, just shutdown.

To find a reason of this i tried to rebuild kernel and wifi driver with another toolchain (i have arm-2010q1 arm-none-linux-gnueabi and arm-linux-gnueabi), to clear the CCS workspace and .ti folders, to create a new project, but result is the same.

But if i do the same steps with another driver (for example hdmi tda998x.ko), everything is ok and i able to debug it.

On the target side wi-fi driver is loading well in release/debug configuration.

Please see screen-shots and log files in attach.

Thanks in advance

Alex Grigoriev