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Folder "Debug_TI" in project explorer

Equipment: BeagleBoneBlack, XDS100v2, CCSv6.0.1.00040, Windows7


yesterday I made a new project based on the basic "Hello World" example using compiler TIv5.1.7. It compiled without error messages.
I could not get it running even though I started CCS with the -clean parameter and even though I cleaned the project (Project--> Clean...)
The message I got was this:
"CortxA8: Loader: One or more sections of your program falls into a memory region that is not writable. These regions will not actually be written to the target. Check your linker configuration and/or memory map."

Today I started CCSv6 with the -clean parameter and installed com.ti.dsflash.win32 (which seems to be DebugServer Flash, that adds Flash Programming support for TMS320F2837xS and TMS320F2807x, which I do not need).
After that and an additional Build the "Hello World" project had an additional folder named Debug_TI. Running the .out-file from this folder lead to the expected "Hello World!" output in the console window. Running the .out file from the Debug folder (the file created yesterday) provided the error message mentioned above.

When I created another "Hello World" project it run as expected and there was no Debug_TI folder in the project.
In all cases I used the target configuration file for BeagleBoneBlack with beagleboneblack.gel.

That behaviour looks strange and I wonder if that is something that I can avoid in the future as it took me a lot time.
Does anybody have an explanation?


  • Hello Martin,

    Are you using a linker command file for your Hello World project configuration with the error? If not, then that woul dmost likely explain the program load error you are seeing.

    Martin H. said:
    After that and an additional Build the "Hello World" project had an additional folder named Debug_TI.

    I'm not familiar with that 'Debug_TI" configuration. Must be something specific to the example you are using. I suspect that whoever wrote the example for that configuration also has a cmd file associated with it so that the code is loaded in the correct location.

    They key thing to check is if you have a valid linker command file.



  • Martin H. said:
    After that and an additional Build the "Hello World" project had an additional folder named Debug_TI.

    When a new CCS project in created for Beaglebone in CCS 6.0.1, the default setting is to use the Linaro GNU compiler. The buld configuration will be "Debug" and the build will use the GNU compiler, and place the output files in the Debug directory If you go into the Properties of the project and change it to use the TI compiler instead, then it will create a new build configuration called "Debug__TI" and the build will now use the TI compiler and place the output files in the Debug__TI directory.

    Hope that helps explain.


  • AartiG said:
    If you go into the Properties of the project and change it to use the TI compiler instead, then it will create a new build configuration called "Debug__TI" and the build will now use the TI compiler and place the output files in the Debug__TI directory.

    Thanks for clearing that up!

  • The properties of the new "Hello World" project also have been changed to use the TI v5.1.7 compiler (General -> compiler version), but there is no Debug_TI directory.
    So I suppose there are still some other dependencies.
    Anyway, it works and I will have an eye on that in the future.
    Thanks for helping to both of you!


  • Martin H. said:
    The properties of the new "Hello World" project also have been changed to use the TI v5.1.7 compiler (General -> compiler version), but there is no Debug_TI directory.

    Well, if the GNU compiler were left to be the default when creating a new project, then the default build config "Debug" will have the GNU output files. If the project were then changed to TI compiler, then the "Debug__TI" configuration will be created and will contain the TI output files.

    On the other hand, when creating a new project itself, if the Compiler was changed to use the TI compiler, then the default "Debug" configuration will be set for the TI compiler and will contain the TI output files. If the project were then changed to use the GNU compiler, another configuration named "Debug__GNU" will be created.

    So it really depends on which compiler was selected during initial project creation. Hope this helps explain.

  • I see.
    Thank you for letting us know.
