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UniFlash Tiva LM USB DFU interface MISSING

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, TM4C1233H6PM

I am attempting to use UniFlash on a 32-bit Linux VM to USB DFU a TM4C1233H6PM on a custom board. Please see this post for any additional info concerning the DFU problem: (

One method of approach to fixing our DFU problem was building our code image and installing it on a 32bit based linux system. I have installed UniFlash and its optional software. However, from the new target configuration the “Tiva LM USB DFU interface” option for connecting to the target is missing.


How can I add this connection type to my linux install of UniFlash?




  • Matt,

    The USB Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU) interface is not supported in the Linux version of UnIFlash at this point. See note here:

    I don't think we have plans to port it over to Linux at this point, but I'll let you know if there are any updates on this.

    I'm also reading over your other thread and will reply once I'm done looking over it.



  • Thanks Ricky, didn't think of looking that up. I appreciate the info.

    Also, thank you for looking into my other issue, it has been a show stopper for us for quite a while now.
