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Error trying to use simulator: "no debuggable cpus"

I'm trying to set up a project in CCSv5.5.0 to use a C6678 simulator.  When I tried "New Project", the Connection menu didn't give me any choices that looked like a simulator.

I tried View->Target Configurations->New to set up a new configuration.  I selected "Texas Instruments Simulator" for Connection, "C6678 Device Functional Simulator, Little Endian" for the device.  At this point, the window title (the bar at the top of the window) looks like  

CCS Edit - C:\...CCSTargetConfigurations\NewTargetConfiguration.ccxmlError: There are no debuggable cpus - Code Composer Studio

and the Save button is disabled.

"TI Simulators" was selected when I installed CCSv5.

If it makes a difference, I installed CCSv6 earlier before finding out that simulator support had been removed, so then I installed CCSv5.  I'm mentioning this in case there's a possibility that CCS is confused by this.  I haven't yet tried uninstalling anything.

What am I doing wrong?  Thanks.

  • More info: I've uninstalled CCSv5 and CCSv6, and reinstalled CCSv5.  I still get the same error.

  • Adam Beneschan said:
    I'm trying to set up a project in CCSv5.5.0 to use a C6678 simulator.  When I tried "New Project", the Connection menu didn't give me any choices that looked like a simulator.

    This is normal. Simulators are the only connection type not supported in the project properties.

    Adam Beneschan said:

     At this point, the window title (the bar at the top of the window) looks like  

    CCS Edit - C:\...CCSTargetConfigurations\NewTargetConfiguration.ccxmlError: There are no debuggable cpus - Code Composer Studio

    and the Save button is disabled.

    Can you show me a screenshot of the error?



  • Ki-Soo Lee said:

     At this point, the window title (the bar at the top of the window) looks like  

    CCS Edit - C:\...CCSTargetConfigurations\NewTargetConfiguration.ccxmlError: There are no debuggable cpus - Code Composer Studio

    and the Save button is disabled.

    Can you show me a screenshot of the error?




    Here it is.  The error is in the title bar; the same error also appears if I hover on the red-and-white "x" on the NewTargetConfiguration.ccxml tab.  The error shows up regardless of which device I select (I tried C6678 Device Functional Simulator, Little Endian, and C67xx CPU Cycle Accurate Simulator, Little Endian).

  • Ok, that message is fine. That is normal because a Device was not selected yet. Once you select a device, that message will go away.

    Are you able to select a device by clicking on the checkbox (a "check" should appear)?

  • Ki-Soo Lee said:

    Ok, that message is fine. That is normal because a Device was not selected yet. Once you select a device, that message will go away.

    Are you able to select a device by clicking on the checkbox (a "check" should appear)?

    Yes, you're right.  I thought that clicking on the device and highlighting it was how to select it.  I didn't realize I had to check the checkbox also--I just didn't notice the checkboxes.

    Thanks for your help.