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Network Connection proxy authentications won't save

I have CCS v and I need to configure network proxy settings. When I tell CCS to check for updates, everything seems to happen with no problem.  But if I try to go to the Eclipse Marketplace it says proxy authentication is required.

So, I go to Window > Preferences > General > Network Connections, where I have schema for both HTTP and HTTPS configured with the correct Host and Port, but both says no authentication and there is no user and password. The problem is that after I add the user and password, clicking Apply, I can see them in the Network Connections, but when I click on OK to close the window and then I reopen the window the credentials have vanished.  I am unable to go to the Eclipse Marketplace.

Strangely, when I first open CCS, it prompts me for proxy authentications credentials, and once I provide them it is happy.

Of course this is a bug. It would also be nice if, when going to the Eclipse Marketplace fails due to a lack of credentials, CCS would prompt me for the credentials right then and use them just as it does when I first open CCS.


  • I learned our proxy server has changed, so I updated it. Now I have the same problem plus one more.

    After changing the proxy server, I checked for updates and there were many. I downloaded them all and restarted CCS. After doing so, I went to check for updates again just to check, and all the update sites have been wiped clean! Can you post for me the update URLs so I can add them again? I can't find them listed anywhere.

    And the problem with the proxy server authentication credentials vanishing is still there.


  • Hi,

    Unfortunately I can't test proxy authentication here, but this seems identical to what is reported in this Eclipse bug, right? If so, I am not 100% sure if CCSv6.0.1 uses a newer version than the one that is reported as fixed in the bug (apparently it is not). In this case, I am unsure if a definitive fix will be available for this particular release.

    The upcoming release of CCSv6 (6.1 with a release date still TBD) will feature the newer Eclipse Luna - which is not entirely free of proxy authentication issues (check here).

    I apologize for the inconvenience,


  • That does appear to be a related issue, but is not quite the same because at least the users appear to be able to save their authentications.

  • Hi Jeanne,

    What host OS are you running CCS on?



  • Jeanne Petrangelo said:

    After changing the proxy server, I checked for updates and there were many. I downloaded them all and restarted CCS. After doing so, I went to check for updates again just to check, and all the update sites have been wiped clean! Can you post for me the update URLs so I can add them again? I can't find them listed anywhere.

    I wonder if there was a failed update. This can happen where it can clear out the list.

    I exported my list and posted the file here.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="Blackhawk CCSv5 Emulation Update"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="Blackhawk CCSv5.5 Emulation Update"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="CC2xxx Device Support Updates"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="CC3200 Device Support"/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name="CDT"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="Code Composer Studio v6 Updates"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="Code Generation Tools Updates"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="Code Generation Tools Updates"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="Device Support"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="DVT Updates"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="Exported Repository"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="GCC ARM Compiler Tools Updates"/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name="Linux Tools"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="MSP430DriverLibUpdate"/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name="MSP430WareUpdate"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="Spectrum Digital Emulation Updates"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="TI C2000 Device Support"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="TI Emulation"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="TI Hercules Device Support"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="TI Keystone1 Emulators"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="TI Keystone2 Emulators"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="TI MSP430 Device Support"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="TI MSP430 Grace Update"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="TI Stellaris Device Support"/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name="TI Tiva C Series Device Support"/>
       <site url="file:/C:/Users/a0389327/Desktop/CCS_CSP_DRA75x_DRA74x_ES1.0_NDA_TRM_vA_gels8/CCS_CSP_DRA75x_DRA74x_ES1.0_NDA_TRM_vA_gels8/TI/CCS_CSP_DRA75x_74x_ES1.0_NDA_TRM_vA_gels8/repo/patchRepoWin32/" selected="true" name="Vayu CSP"/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name=""/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name=""/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name=""/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name=""/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name=""/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name=""/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name=""/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name=""/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name=""/>
       <site url="" selected="true" name=""/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name=""/>
       <site url="" selected="false" name=""/>

    You can import this file via "Window -> Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Software Sites" and use the "Import" button.

    Your other issue sounds like this one:

  • Hi,

    You can also get the bookmarks.xml file at section 5 of the Troubleshooting CCSv6 page.

