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CCS v6.0.1.00040 System Analyzer User Configurations

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320C6678

Hello everyone

I was used to System Analyser on CCS v5 and v6 beta.

I'm now using "CCS v6.0.1.00040" and I noticed that the System Analyzer menu has changed.

There is something new : "User configurations" -> "Import configuration"

It lets you open a .zip archive but there is NO indication on what the archive should contain...

I haven't found documentation about it.

Anyone knows ?



  • Clement,

    That menu item lets you import a previously saved user configuration. Within the RTOS Analyzer or System Analyzer Analysis Configuration view,there is a button to save the configuration if you wish to save your configured settings. You can then export the saved configuration to a zip file, which can later be imported as a user configuration, say by another user. This can be useful for sharing configurations with other users.

    I did not find this documented in the System Analyzer Users Guide, however it is documented in the Trace Analyzer Users Guide (see section 2.8 - Working with User Configurations). The information can also accessed from the CCS Online Help by searching for "User Configuration".

    I will file a request to have this information added to the System Analyser Users Guide.

  • AartiG,

    Thank you for the information and the link to the documentation.

    I don't know if you're the right person to ask this but :

    Wouldn't be possible to have the Trace Analyzer UG listed in the User Guides sections of this page :

    Otherwise it's hard to follow up when you release a new Trace Analyzer UG.

    I'll probably have other questions about "user configuration" soon.


  • Clement FR said:

    Wouldn't be possible to have the Trace Analyzer UG listed in the User Guides sections of this page :

    I have put in a request to have this document added to that product page.