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Accessing debug symbols for elements of a structure

I am debugging an algorithm implementation that involves many large matrices on a c6678. They are contained in a structure and each element in the structure is a pointer to an array, like so:

typedef struct data
	double *y0;
	double *Qd;
	double *Fd;
	double *Qp;

When I manually debug I can see the elements just fine in the variables window (data->y0 etc), so there must be a symbol in the .out file right? The problem is I cannot seem to find these symols in the .out file using the nm6x utility.

I can see the structure itself:

nm6x -A -l test6.out |find "data"
[5679] |0x80874080|  128| GLOB|OBJT|HIDN|30|data

but not the elements:

nm6x -A -l test6.out |find "Qp"
*nothing found*

How do I lookup the elements, or force the linker to retain the symbols?

So why is this a problem? The matrices are quite large and very difficult to inspect in CCS. So, I am using DSS scripts to export the variables to files which I then read into Matlab. This is a really powerful tool and I am glad I found it except that I cannot access the variables I need. To save the variables using DSS you need to lookup their address like so:

var address = ds.symbol.getAddress("Qp")
ds.memory.saveRaw(PAGE_PROGRAM, address, "Qp.bin",40*40*2,64,false)

But that doesnt work because Qp is not in the symbol table. How can I access data.Qp?

I am not quite sure if this is a problem with DSS or more of a c6000 linker issue so I am going to post this in both sections. Thanks for the help.