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Connection issues with EasyMxPRO and Linux Mint

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MIKROELEKTRONIKA

Hi guys!

I'm having too much trouble with CCSv6 and Linux Mint 17!
I'm running a x64 linux version and using EasyMx PROv7 Stellaris board, and my debug sessions in ccs are unpredictable. Sometimes I get a tons of errors and sometimes I can't even connect to my board. I installed everything as pointed, CCS as user and then install scripts as sudo, but nothing helps.

The board is fine, checked it on a another PC running a Windows 7 with CCSv6. Everything worked as a charm.

Tried everything, getting pretty desperate here, because I need my Linux machine for work. Pls help my guys!

  • Zhigulj,

    I am not familiar with this board.  I took a look at the MikroElektronika website and I don't see an ICDI on this board.  It shows something called a mikroProg on it.  Is that what yours has or do you have a different version of the board that has the TI ICDI probe integrated?



  • Hi John,

    yes the EasyMx PRO board has mikroProg on-board ICDI emulator on it, but it should be compatible with the Stellaris ICDI. Examples I found ond the TI Wiki page shows that a Stellaris ICDI is being used as the connection interface, and here is the link:

    As I mentioned earlier, sometimes I'm able to connect , but it's very unstable. Target disconnects frequently and I got loads of errors  like:

    CORTEX_M4_0: Trouble Reading Register SP: Debug Port error occured

    CORTEX_M4_0: Trouble writing Memory Block at 0x20000400 on Page 0 of Length 0x660

    CORTEX_M4_0: Flash Programer: TImed out while writing to Flash memory, and etc.

    These errors do not appear all together constantly, but some of them are always bound to appear.   

  • I have ordered one of their standalone probes.  When it arrives I can try it with some of my Tiva boards on Mint and see if I can observe this behavior.  If I can get it to show what you are seeing I will then switch the board to use the TI supplied ICDI on the board and see if it behaves the same.

    I don't think their solution is an actual ICDI.  It looks like they have implemented an optimized solution that has better performance but works with our ICDI connection type in CCS.  On their site I only see drivers for Windows so I am not sure how well this probe will work on Linux.

    You could hook up an external probe to the board.  However that would cost money.  You could get an xds100v2.  They cost ~$79 but are pretty slow.  An XDS200 is a lot faster but is more expensive.

    My mikroProg should arrive mid next week.  I will reply back with what I see.  I am going to split off this discussion from the old thread into a new one.


  • John thank you so much for all the trouble. I will be waiting for your reply when you acquire mikroProg.

    Note this also, when I tried out the EasyMxPro board and CCS on a PC with Windows 7 I didn't install any drivers from MikroElektronika. Windows only had CCS installed, with drivers that came with the CCS, and everything worked as it should.

  • My mikroProg arrived today.  Unfortunately it doesn't have the proper connector to connect to a standard ARM 10pin header, seems to use some larger 10pin connector.  I am going to try to buy an adapter or see if I can get someone to make one for me.

    I did connect it up to my Linux Mint machine and lsusb detects it so that much works.  Before I can test the stability I will need to get an adapter.


  • John, once again man, thanks for all the trouble!

    When I connect my EasyMx Pro v7 Stellaris board lsusb detects that "Future Technology Devices International, Ltd Stellaris Evaluation Board" is connected. So I have no trouble there too. Flashing and debuging still don't work though.