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why the filename.ccxml is not boldfaced under User Defined File?


I am a novice of using CCS and doing hands-on project of C6713 board.

There were several problems emerged when I tried to create my first project container:


Question-1: I launched the target configuration and connected target.  The project file has marked "Active and Debug" which means that I am working on this project and target was connected.


But why the file.ccxml under User Defined File on my right hand side of the CCS was not boldfaced?  I compared with my teacher's PPT of CCS tutorial and found his panel had "file.ccxml" with boldfaced pattern.


Whether I have failed to connected to the target?


Thank you very much!

  • In the target configurations view it lists all of the target configuration files that CCS is aware of, both inside projects and in the common folder.

    A target configuration file will be bold face and have "Default" beside it if it has been specified as the default target configuration.  

    The default target configuration is used if your project does not have its own configuration.  Most projects have a configuration inside them which is used.  If you create a project with the CCS Project Wizard and specify your debug connection it will automatically generate a ccxml file and place this in the "targetConfig" folder of your project.

    If you are always using the same board it can be easier to just have a single ccxml file that is the default and not have them in your projects.  To specify a target configuration file as the default simply right click on it in the target configurations view and select "set as default"

