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CCSv6.0.1 ERROR: Error: Can't find the platform package 'ti.platforms.tiva'

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C1294NCPDT, SYSBIOS


TI-RTOS v2.10.01.38

XDC Tools v3.30.03.47_core


My office PC is recently upgraded to a 64-bit platform where I need to install CCSv6 & migrate all my projects from the old PC. After, I installed the CCSv6.0.1 (same version as of the old PC, same installer used), the project is giving error " Error: Can't find the platform package 'ti.platforms.tiva'.  TI platforms are no longer shipped as part of XDCtools (c:\ti\xdctools_3_30_03_47_core).  Please ensure you are either using a pre-3.30 version of XDCtools or you have added a product that includes your platform support along the path 'C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/bios_6_40_03_39/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/ndk_2_23_01_01/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/uia_2_00_01_34/packages;C:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base;c:\ti\xdctools_3_30_03_47_core/packages'.  Check that this path names a directory containing the necessary platform support and that the platform name is properly spelled."

Following the below mentioned posts, I tried "ti.platforms.stellaris:TM4C1294NCPDT" at the properties>general>RTSC but still the problem persists.

I even tried downloading XDC v3.25.6.96 but it shoots up with some other kind of error "can't locate the package 'ti.sysbios.knl' along the path: 'C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/bios_6_40_03_39/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/ndk_2_23_01_01/packages;C:/ti/tirtos_tivac_2_10_01_38/products/uia_2_00_01_34/packages;C:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base;C:/ti/xdctools_3_25_06_96/packages;..;'. Ensure that the package path is set correctly.".

Double clicking on the error in CCS IDE points to the attached file (Line 51).

Do you have any guess on how is everything working fine on the old PC & how can I copy that missing part from the old PC to the new one?



 *  Copyright (c) 2008 Texas Instruments and others.
 *  All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 *  are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 *  which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 *  Contributors:
 *      Texas Instruments - initial implementation
 * */
var Cmdr;

 *  ======== module$meta$init ========
function module$meta$init()
    Cmdr = this;

 *  ======== instance$meta$init ========
function instance$meta$init(cmdmod, params)
    var inst = this.$private;

    inst.self = this;

    inst.cmdmod = cmdmod;
    inst.cmdname = cmdmod.$ == 'Main' ? cmdmod.$spec.pkgName : cmdmod.$spec.qualName;
    inst.timer = 0;
    inst.verbose = false;

 *  ======== error ========
function error(msg)
    var inst = this.$private;

    switch (inst.self.context) {

        case Cmdr.SCRIPT:
            throw new Error(inst.cmdname
                + ": "  + (msg ? msg : 'fatal error'));
        case Cmdr.SHELL:
            throw new Error(this.$private.cmdname
                + ": "  + (msg ? msg : 'fatal error'));

 *  ======== getopts ========
function getopts(cmdinst, args)
    var inst = this.$private;

    /* for scalar configs, overwrite the previous option value */
    function setScalar(type) {
        return (function(obj, prop, value) {
            obj[prop] = type(value);
    /* for array configs, add the option value onto the end */
    function extendArray(type) {
        return (function(obj, prop, value) {
    var consmap = {
        b: setScalar(Boolean), Ab: extendArray(Boolean),
        n: setScalar(Number),  An: extendArray(Number),
        s: setScalar(String),  As: extendArray(String)

    var cfgarr = [];
    var optmap = {};
    for each (var cfg in inst.cmdmod.$spec.configs.toArray()) {
        var co;
        if ((co = cfg.attrString('@CommandOption')) != null) {
            var opts = _decodeCommandOption(co);

            /* save the config */

            /* add each alias */
            for (var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {
                optmap[opts[i]] = cfg;
    while (args.length && args[0][0] == '-') {
        var a = args.shift();
        if (a == '--help') {
            return _help(inst, cfgarr);

        if (a == '--time') {
            inst.timer = java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis();

        /* search for the longest matching option */
        var opt = undefined;
        cfg = undefined;
        for (var _opt in optmap) {
            if (a.substr(0, _opt.length) != _opt) {
                /* doesn't match at all */

            if (opt && _opt.length < opt.length) {
                /* shorter than the current match */

            /* remember it */
            opt = _opt;
            cfg = optmap[opt];

        if (!cfg) {
            return inst.self.usage('unknown option: ' + a);

        /* see whether and how the user passed a value as a suffix */
        var m = a.substr(opt.length).match(/^([:=]?)(.*)/);
        var valFlag = m[1];
        var valText = m[2];

        var val = undefined;
        if (cfg.typeCode == 'b') {
            /* if the user passed a value, get it */
            if (valFlag) {
                val = valText;
            else {
                /* the config is a boolean, no value is needed */
                val = true;

                /* process concatenated single-character flags */
                if (opt.match(/^-.$/) && valText) {
                    args.unshift('-' + valText);
        else if (valFlag || valText) {
            /* user passed the value as a suffix -- get it */
            val = valText;
        else {
            /* the value is in the next argument */
            val = args.shift();

        if (val === undefined) {
            return inst.self.usage('value required: ' + a);

         * if the config parameter is a vector, push the new value
         * onto the end.
        var typeCode = cfg.typeCode;
        if (typeCode in consmap) {
            consmap[typeCode](cmdinst,, val);
        else {
            throw new Error('unsupported typeCode ('
			    + typeCode 
			    + ') for a command line parameter in config ' 
			    + cfg.getQualName());
    for (var cn in optmap) {
        cfg = optmap[cn];
        if (cmdinst[] === undefined) {
            return inst.self.usage('undefined parameter: ' + cn);

    return (undefined);

 *  ======== info ========
function info(msg)
    var inst = this.$private;

    if (inst.verbose) {
        java.lang.System.out.println(inst.cmdname + ": " + msg);

 *  ======== read ========
function read()
    var inst = this.$private;

    if (inst.self.tid) {
        return (new java.lang.String(inst.self.socket.takeFromClient()));
    else if (java.lang.System['in'].readLine) {
        /* has already been redirected to a BufferedReader */
        return java.lang.System['in'].readLine();
    else if ( {
        /* already have a local BufferedReader wrapper */
    else {
        /* create a BufferedReader wrapping */ = new

 *  ======== usage ========
function usage(msg)
    var inst = this.$private;

    if (inst.self.context == Cmdr.SCRIPT) {
    if (msg) {
        java.lang.System.err.println(inst.cmdname + ": " + msg);
    return _usage(inst);

 *  ======== time ========
function time(msg)
    var inst = this.$private;

    if (!inst.timer) {

    java.lang.System.err.print(inst.cmdname + '[' 
	+ (java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() - inst.timer) + 'ms]');
    java.lang.System.err.println(msg ? (': ' + msg) : '');

 *  ======== verbose ========
function verbose(flag)
    var inst = this.$private;
    inst.verbose = Boolean(flag);

 *  ======== warning ========
function warning(msg)
    if (msg) {
            + ": " + msg);

 *  ======== write ========
function write(s)
    var inst = this.$private;

    if (inst.self.tid) {
    else {


 *  ======== _decodeCommandOption ========
function _decodeCommandOption(co) 
    co = (co+'').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'').replace(/[\s,]+/, ',').split(',');
    var opts = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < co.length; i++) {
        var opt = co[i];
        if (opt == '') {
            /* ignore empty options */
        else if (opt[0] == '-') {
            /* option already includes a dash prefix */
        else if (opt.length == 1) {
            /* short option names start with '-' */
            opts.push('-' + opt);
        else {
            /* long option names start with '--' */
            opts.push('--' + opt);

    return opts;

 *  ======== _deleteDirectory ========
function _deleteDirectory(dir)
    var dirFile =;
    if (dirFile.exists() && dirFile.isDirectory()) {
        for each (var f in dirFile.listFiles()) {
            if (f.isDirectory() && f.listFiles().length) {
            try {
            catch (e) {
                java.lang.System.err.println("Cannot delete file: " +

 *  ======== _help ========
function _help(inst, cfgarr)
    var xdoc = inst.cmdmod.$spec.makeXDoc();
    java.lang.System.err.println('\nSummary: ' + xdoc.summary + '\n');


    for each (var cfg in cfgarr) {
        xdoc = cfg.makeXDoc();
        var names = _decodeCommandOption(cfg.attrString('@CommandOption'));
        java.lang.System.err.println('\t' + names.join(',') + '\t' 
				     + xdoc.summary);

    var xmlDir = inst.cmdmod.$package.packageBase + 'package';
    if (! + '/package.doc.xml').exists()) {
        try {
            var tmpdir = String( + '/';        
            var Xml = xdc.loadCapsule('xdc/tools/cdoc/Xml.xs');
            xmlDir = Xml.gen(inst.cmdmod.$package.packageBase, tmpdir, []);
        catch (e) {
            print('warning: error generating package.doc.xml from ' +
                  inst.cmdmod.$package.packageBase + '. ' + e);
            return 0;
    var xml = xdc.loadXML( + '/package.doc.xml').getAbsolutePath());
    var details = xml.unit.(@name == 'Main').docSect.(@name == 'details').docPara;
    if (details.length()) {
        for each (var node in details) {
            var s = String(, 'UTF-8'));
            s = s.replace(/^(\s*)/gm, '\t');
    if (tmpdir) {
    /* exit shell with a zero error status */
    return 0;

 *  ======== _usage ========
function _usage(inst)
    java.lang.System.err.println('Usage: xs ' + inst.cmdname + " [--help]");
    for each (var line in inst.cmdmod.usage) {
        java.lang.System.err.println('\t' + line);

    /* exit with an error code of 1 */
    return 1;

 *  @(#); 1, 0, 0,498; 6-12-2014 10:18:09; /db/ztree/library/trees/xdc/xdc-A44x/src/packages/

  • Soumyajit Das said:


    TI-RTOS v2.10.01.38

    XDC Tools v3.30.03.47_core

    With these versions, you should be able to select ti.platforms.tiva:TM4C1294NCPDT for the RTSC platform. 

    Can you try a clean/rebuild? If the error persists, please post a screenshot of your Project Properties->General->RTSC tab that shows the XDCtools version and RTSC components that are enabled.

  • Hi AartiG,

           Thanks for your help in the matter. In fact, I tried several times earlier to clean the project & then build again but it didn't help. I tried today also but ended up with the same results.

           Am attaching below the screenshots you requested & a few more.




  • In the Project Properties->General->RTSC tab, can you explicitly enable the checkbox for TI-RTOS for TivaC version and then do a Rebuild? Let us know if this helps.

  • Hi AartiG,

       Yes, it worked. I landed up into a set of other errors in CCS related to NDK & some constant declarations for which I opened up a new post as it may not be relevant to discuss the same in CCS forum. The link to the same is provided below just in case you decide to have a look at it....


