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Another "Unresolved Symbols" question

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MOTORWARE

I am running CCS 6.1 with motorware lab 5b on windows 7. I have added a Potentiometer to the board so I followed the steps given in hal tutorial PDF exactly. Once I finished coding, the POT code was being displayed when I hovered my mouse in the main c file. But once I started building I got Unresolved Symbols error.

The only difference is that, since I did not want to make changes in the original code, I copied the whole sw folder into my project folder and made the changes to those files. Here is my code:

in proj_lab5b.c



// enable/disable automatic calculation of bias values

//Set the speed reference
//Measure POT position
gPotValue = HAL_readPotentiometerData (halHandle);
//Now since the value is between 0 and 1, multiply it with correct value to set min and max speed.
gMotorVars.SpeedRef_krpm = _IQmpy ((gPotValue & 0x00FF0000), _IQ(3.5));


In hal.c I added adc interrupts for the potentiometer and in hal.h I added the following function

static inline _iq HAL_readPotentiometerData(HAL_Handle handle)
_iq value;
value = _IQ12toIQ((_iq)ADC_readResult(obj->adcHandle,ADC_ResultNumber_8));
return (value);

Any help would be greatly appreciated :-)