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TMS320C6711 DSK with CCS v5.5

THis version of CCS is supposed to support my DSK but there aren't ANY OPTIONS for the board ( ??! ). So I can't load any programs to the board, etc. How do I get the drivers or whatever needed ? It shouldn't be this hard since the toolchain supposedly supports this ( old ) DSK...

  • Hello,

    While there is no specific device option for the DSK, you should be able to use the generic C6711 device option.



  • Hi Ki, I had found the "New Target Configuration" but the connection options didn't have the one you showed and NONE of them had anything related to parallel port at all. Which version are you using ? Would you walk me thru the steps for how to do it for the version I have ?

    Also, it's not clear what I would be able to do with the free license for this toolchain. Where is that info ?


    Thank you,


  • Those drivers come from the Spectrum Digital installation package that is part of the CCS installation package. If you did not enable the option for Spectrum Digital drivers during the v5 installation, then the drivers will not get installed. If this is the case, you can try re-running the installer exe and point the installer to the existing v5 installation to add additional components.

  • I had to re-install the IDE and this time I checked SD emulators option and now I see the connection type that you posted ( view's not exactly the same as in your post, though ). Before I type in "6711", I see the 6713 DSK and other processors/ BDs as options, but as soon as I type in 6711, those options go away and the New Target Config SAVE button grreys out... !?!!

    1) I've seen online in multiple places that the emulator is builtin for this  DSK ( I don't have a physical emulator ), but when I try to verify the connect using the SDCONFIGex utilty I get an error ( LPT addr is 0x378 )

    ** Checking for a valid emulator/eZdsp

      >> Could not read the product id from the emulator/eZdsp.

      >> Check the following
      >> - Power is applied to the emulator/eZdsp
      >> - EmuPortAddr is set properly in sdopts.xml
      >> - Used EmuPortAddr=0x378
      >> - Used EmuPortMode=SPP8

    There are NO INSTRUCTIONS for what to set the utility options to. I try to change the EmuPortMode to EPP/ECp and it stays stuck on SPP8


    2) In the IDE when I hit debug I get the error:

    TMS320C671X: Error initializing emulator

    Any help out of the frustration pit is appreciated...

  • jerome davie said:
    I had to re-install the IDE and this time I checked SD emulators option and now I see the connection type that you posted ( view's not exactly the same as in your post, though ). Before I type in "6711", I see the 6713 DSK and other processors/ BDs as options, but as soon as I type in 6711, those options go away and the New Target Config SAVE button grreys out... !?!!

    Can you provide a screenshot?

    jerome davie said:

    1) I've seen online in multiple places that the emulator is builtin for this  DSK ( I don't have a physical emulator ), but when I try to verify the connect using the SDCONFIGex utilty I get an error ( LPT addr is 0x378 )

    ** Checking for a valid emulator/eZdsp

      >> Could not read the product id from the emulator/eZdsp.

      >> Check the following
      >> - Power is applied to the emulator/eZdsp
      >> - EmuPortAddr is set properly in sdopts.xml
      >> - Used EmuPortAddr=0x378
      >> - Used EmuPortMode=SPP8

    There are NO INSTRUCTIONS for what to set the utility options to. I try to change the EmuPortMode to EPP/ECp and it stays stuck on SPP8

    Documentation for the utiliy can be found at Spectrum Digital's site:

    Using Parallel Port emulation is tricky with later versions of CCS and newer PCs (relatively speaking). Basically parallel port emulation has not been supported (tested) in a long time. I've always had the most luck with it on old PCs. You need to go to the PC BIOS and check the Parallel Port setting (EPP, ECP, SPP, etc) and make sure it matches what is configured in SDConfig and CCS. Even then, it seems to be hit and miss and some settings work better on than others and you have to experiment. If you can, I'd recommend using an external emulator with the DSK. But unfortunately the C6711 is an old device and not many of the newer external emulators support it. The old XDS510USB would be the best option but it can be costly. Sorry I don't have any better suggestions.


  • I got the DSK from eBay, so maybe the onboard emulator is corrupt or even wiped ( would explain why SDConfigEx is not detecting it ).

    I should have included in my OP: OS is Windows XP Pro Edition, SP3.

    Thank you for your time, Ki. I see that this legacy H/W isn't so a easy to work with  after all.


  • You screenshot is missing quite a few C6x entries. When you browse to <CCSv5 INSTALL DIR>\ccsv5\ccs_base\common\targetdb\devices, does a 6711.xml file exist?

    jerome davie said:
    I got the DSK from eBay, so maybe the onboard emulator is corrupt or even wiped ( would explain why SDConfigEx is not detecting it ).

    No I'm sure it is fine. The issue is that the parallel port emulators are incredibly flaky on more modern environments. I had to fight like heck with my environment the last time I got it to work (keep rebooting my PC and playing with various PP settings in the PC BIOS). It really is the old PP emulation that is the issue, not the 6711 itself.

    If you are still having issues, I'm wondering if using an older CCS version like v3.3 would be easier. That version had more testing with the PP emulators than v5 (which had none). Let me know if you are interested in trying out 3.3



  • The attachment shows what devices I have ( but no I don't have it ). When I re-installed, I tried

    v5.2.1.0001 instead of v5.5 ( hoping for a different outcome, thinking maybe an earlier version had better support for this Legacy DSK ). Also I only installed C6000 devices.

    Yes, I would like to try v3.3.CCS_Dev_Sceenshot.doc

  • Please start a private conversation with me so we can look at options to get you access to CCSv3.3
