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Dirty solution to: MSP430: "Error initializing emulator: Could not find MSP-FET430UIF on specified COM port" when debugging UART aplication on Windows 10

Hello every one! 

I've encountered some issues in CCS6.1 (on Windows 10 OS) using MSP430G2 launch pad and debugging and aplication that uses UART COM PORT.

I've found some dirty solution to "Error initializing emulator: Could not find MSP-FET430UIF on specified COM port".

- First launch every thing normaly, once you get the error maintain pressed launchpad's reset button and clic retry.

- You should get another error disconnect the launchpad and reconect it, then quickly hit retry button.

You should retry this tip until you get the timing.

I think this error is related to windows interfering with USB COM port when they send data.

Hope this helps some one !

Ciao ciao, 


PS: excuse my poor english...

  • Esteban,

    Thanks for sharing the solution. I personally did not yet run into this issue (I am using Windows 10/64 bits with CCSv6.1.1), but I will keep a close watch to see if other folks report similar scenarios.

    Thank you,
  • Hi Rafael (and all),

    Just wanted to report that I've run into the same "Error initializing emulator: Could not find MSP-FET430UIF on specified COM port" issue on Windows 10, and Esteban Diez's workaround worked perfectly.  (Thank you Esteban for supplying this!)

    This is a 64-bit Windows 10 machine with build 10.586.545.  I'm using CCS, with MSP430 emupack v6.3.4.4 and TI emupack v6.0.407.3. The target board is an MSP-EXP430G2553 Launchpad, revision v1.4.

    Cheers, Alex

  • This is an old thread, you would think that someone from Ti would look into this. Just to confirm that I tried this and it works as well. It is though an annoying fix but it at least gets me going on my preferred computer.