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icepick_C is the wrong debug type

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2650

When I go to debug, I get a message

Texas Instruments XDS110 USB Debug Probe_0/IcePick_C : Target must be connected before loading program.

I don't have IcePick_C configured anywhere (that I know of). Is there a way to fix this message?

Following this message, the debugger fails to load the program.


  • Bruce Matichuk said:
    I don't have IcePick_C configured anywhere (that I know of). Is there a way to fix this message?

    The CC2650 device does contain a IcePick_C JTAG router, which is required to connect the Cortex-M3 processor when debugging.

    I don't have a CC2650 to investigate the error, but under the CCS project Debug properties is the "Auto connect if a child connects" option ticked for the Connection Options of the IcePick_C?

     The following example shows this option should be ticked by default on a new project:

  • As I mentioned "Icepick" is NOT referenced anywhere that I could find.
    I went through the debug settings very carefully.

    I fixed my problem though.

    I have been attempting (for the last several days) to get the xds110 debugger to work without success. It was working fine until I recently updated CCS and updated the firmware on the xds110. Somewhere, something broke and CCS just could not give me enough information to fix the problem.

    Here is how I fixed it.

    I plugged the xds110 into a working sensortag board and then compiled and ran the sensortag project. Mysteriously this worked. Then I unplugged the xds110 from the sensortag board and plugged it back into my custom board. Magic!! It worked.