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Unable to use .dat files from matlab correctly in CCS

Hi all,


Can we use externally generated .dat files in our CCS codes?

I found a header(1651 2 0 0 0) mentioned in the .dat file given in one of the examples in CCS tutorials..What does this header at the top of file indicate?

I included the same header in my own .dat file generated from matlab but could not find results/plots similar to matlab!


What are the other ways to import data from matlab?


Thanks in advance,



  • KIRTI said:
    I found a header(1651 2 0 0 0) mentioned in the .dat file given in one of the examples in CCS tutorials..What does this header at the top of file indicate?

    From the CCS 3.3 online help:


    Code Composer Studio data file

    A text file that contains one line of header information and stores the data as one sample per line. The data can be in any of the following formats:

    · Hexadecimal

    · Integer

    · Long

    · Float

    The header information for data files uses the following syntax:

    MagicNumber  Format StartingAddress PageNum Length

    MagicNumber: Fixed at 1651.

    Format: A number from 1 to 4, indicating the format of the samples in the file. This number represents a data format: hexadecimal, integer, long, or float. 

    StartingAddress: The starting address of the block that was saved.

    PageNum: The page number the block was taken from.

    Length: The number of samples in the block.

    All header values are assumed to be TI-style hexadecimal values.


  • hi, i have the same problem, and i don't know how to do the negative.