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How to install 5.2.1 compiler

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA

I try to build project I imported and get this following error: (this is the FreeRTOS demo)

This project was created using a version of compiler that is not currently installed: 5.2.1 [MSP432]. Please go to <a href="liveaction:OpenAppCenter">CCS App Center</a> to install the compiler of this version, or migrate the project to one of the available compiler versions by adjusting project properties. RTOSDemo properties Problems

So I go to AppCenter and all I see is GCC.   I tried using GCC with this and get hundreds if compiler errors.  How do I get TI's 5.2.1

  • Thanks.   My problem is not updating or selecting a compiler.   It is that I look in the directory tree where CCS 6 is installed and find ONLY GCC compilers.   I need a TI compiler and I thought I read it was bundled with CCS.   It is not about updates or selecting in preferences pane, It's just missing

    I'm about to try the "fix it for dummies" method and delete everything related to TI from my computer, re-download CCS and re-install.   But in my experience that method only puts you back in the same place.

    If it matters, I'm on Mac OS X 10.11.6

  • If you've never installed the TI compiler before, you can re-run the installer and select the existing installation directory. The installer will detect the installation and allow you to add additional components. Expand the node for MSP Ultra Low Power MCUs and select the option for the TI installer

  • I found the root of the problem. The Mac OS X CCS installer app aborts and fails to install all the required components. It offers to send a report to TI that includes the install logs files I have sent about six of these reports so far. Maybe someone will read these and see what's up. Both the on-line installer app (the one that downloads as it installs) and the off-line installer do the same thing. Putting CCS in different directories, even in my $HOME directory has the same effect. File corruption when downloading can't be an issue either as the download was done new on each attempt.

    I would think this could be "user error" but all the user does is click next/next/next/finish. Not much opportunity to mess up

    I think running on Mac OS X is a new thing for CCS and it appears not to be working as well as it could.

    The work around is to install CCS on a virtual machine running Ubuntu. I'll try next week.

  • Hi,
    Could you please zip up the contents of all install_logs* folders and post them here?
  • Yes, will post logs later tonight.   

    As a comment, I'm evaluating many platforms for using ARM Cortex-M for use as servo controller.   The CCS install process compared to all the competition is not looks so god.   I don't like to say it but even one man free software projects are using the OS' native install methods.  That would be a PKG file inside a disk image for Mac OS and a a package suitable for 'apt get" for Linux   The ad hoc method CCS uses looks like it is from the 1980's.  Sorry but others are doing better and the market is a competitive place.  I'm making good progress with the STM32 platform and with Energia MT.  But I'm stubbornly holding out on MSP432 with the TIORTOS or FreeRTOS.

    Tried Linux and found the CCS requires a 32-bit system.  Unbutu is now 64-bit and I need to install about three dozen 32-bit libraries.   CCS only installs cleanly on years old Ubuntu systems, not on modern ones without effort on the part of the user.   I think I can make it work just a matter of hunting down one more old version of a crypto library that CCS depends on. 

    The above is meant to be constructive.  CCS need work on the two above platforms, should be using native installers

    I'll run the install once more and then post the zipped up logs.   Like I said I'll get this to work

  • Chris Albertson said:
    Tried Linux and found the CCS requires a 32-bit system.  Unbutu is now 64-bit and I need to install about three dozen 32-bit libraries.   CCS only installs cleanly on years old Ubuntu systems, not on modern ones without effort on the part of the user.  

    This is changing with 6.2.0 where CCS on Linux will only be 64-bit. We are dropping 32-bit Linux support in favor of 64-bit only.

    6.2.0 is coming out this week.

  • OK here is what asked for.  I deleted everything off the Mac and re-downloaded a fresh install app and it chugs along for a while then displays this dialog box:

    An error occured : Installer failed to install com.ti.cgt.msp430.15.osx correctly.
    Please submit these logs to TI for analysis using the next dialog.
    You may also visit the TI E2E CCS Support forum for additional help.

    The install logs are located in: /Users/chris/Applications/ccsv6/install_logs.

    So I go to the above directory

  • Looked at logs myself and this might be the part you want to see

    Error changing permissions to 042775 in /Users/chris/Applications/ccsv6/tools/compiler/ti-cgt-msp430_15.12.1.LTS/lib
    There has been an error.
    Unable to set permissions
  • Hi Chris,

    You said you deleted everything in the install folder, is this correct? I ask because the msp430 compiler installer says the directory already exists, which shouldn't be the case in a fresh install. That's the directory that has a permission problem. Could you delete the install folder (everything under ccsv6) and try again? 



  • OK, this time I'm typing here in the forum as I do the install.

    Step 1: rm -rf ccsv6/

    Step 2: I double click

    A window appears that has the distinct look on an GUI written ti Tk.

    Step 3: Accept license terms, Select ~/Applications as the install folder.

    Step 4 Double check that ~/Applications/cc* does not exist ls returns the following
    ls: /Users/chris/Applications/cc*: No such file or directory

    Step 5: For processor support I select map and 32-bit ARM only

    Step 6: click through several "next"s to "finish"
    I see the process bar moving and that the app is downloading and unzipping. This takes some time.....

    The installer stops and puts up the error dialog box as before. The last thing printed to the main installer window was someinthabout installing the MSP430 compiler and that line was repeated identically three times. Sorry I can't cut and past it as the installer put up a model dialog box.

    The logs are the same. I see the "file exists" error. in /Users/chris/Applications/ccsv6/eclipse/

    Again this is on Mac OS X 10.11.6

    Thanks for looking into this,

  • Hi Chris,
    The installer tries the component installation 3 times on failure, which is why you see the line repeated. This is very strange. I'll try and reproduce it here with your exact instructions (thanks for that!) and get back to you.
  • Hi Chris,
    I'm unable to reproduce the issue here. Could you try the following:
    Please run the application from a command prompt and send me the log file generated in /Users/chris/Applications/ccsv6-temp/install_logs :
    "/Users/chris/Applications/ccsv6/installers/" --mode unattended --ccs true --prefix "/Users/chris/Applications/ccsv6-temp" --eclipseprefix "/Users/chris/Applications/ccsv6-temp/eclipse/"

    If the application doesn't exist in the ~/Applications/ccsv6/installers folder, please download it from here:

    You will need to unzip the file first. This will install the compiler in a temporary folder, and help us determine what's going on.
    Thank you for your patience,
  • I ran the app in the terminal by typing "open" but it did not print anything to the terminal.   I told it install the files in a directory I have write persuasion to.  

    It stopped and put up a dialog box that reads "Error changing permissions to 042775 in /User/chris/Applacations/ti-cgt-msp430_15.12.1.LTS/lib"

    Botton are ignore, retry and abort.  I click ignore

    I get the same error box but this tine the file is "...../lib/src"

    Click ignore and the nest one is got "...LTS/include

    Click ignore and the nest one is got "...LTS/bin

    Then man and then man/man1

    After that last click on ignore the process continues and finally prints "Setup has finished installing...."  I click Finish and it goes away.

    Now I go in a look at the install directory

    Chris Albertson's iMac:ti-cgt-msp430_15.12.1.LTS chris$ ls -l 

    total 528

    -rw-rw-rw-    1 chris  505   33318 Feb  9  2016 DefectHistory.txt

    -rw-rw-rw-    1 chris  505   29683 Feb  9  2016 LICENSE.txt

    -rw-rw-r--    1 chris  505   14802 Feb  9  2016 MSPEABI.txt

    -rw-rw-rw-    1 chris  505   10742 Feb  9  2016 README.txt

    drwxr-xr-x   24 chris  505     816 Aug 23 21:33 bin

    drwxr-xr-x  275 chris  505    9350 Aug 23 21:33 include

    drwxr-xr-x   12 chris  505     408 Aug 23 21:32 lib

    drwxr-xr-x    3 chris  505     102 Aug 23 21:32 man

    -rw-rw-r--    1 chris  505   39354 Feb  9  2016 manifest.html

    -rw-rw-r--    1 chris  505   28499 Feb  9  2016 misra.txt

    -rw-------    1 chris  505  101724 Aug 23 21:33 ti_cgt_msp430_15.12.1.LTS_osx_installer_install.log

    drwxr-xr-x    3 chris  505     102 Aug 23 21:33

    Chris Albertson's iMac:ti-cgt-msp430_15.12.1.LTS chris$

    The files are there in bin and man and so on.   

    One thing I notice that is wrong:  You app first creates 


    But then later when it unpacks the archive the archive contains the directory just created  see the following from the log file:

    Preparing to Install

    Preparing to Install

    Creating directory /Users/chris/Applications/ti-cgt-msp430_15.12.1.LTS

    Unpacking files

    Directory already exists: /Users/chris/Applications/ti-cgt-msp430_15.12.1.LTS

    Creating directory /Users/chris/Applications/ti-cgt-msp430_15.12.1.LTS/lib

    Creating directory /Users/chris/Applications/ti-cgt-msp430_15.12.1.LTS/lib/src

    Creating directory /Users/chris/Applications/ti-cgt-msp430_15.12.1.LTS/include

    Creating directory /Users/chris/Applications/ti-cgt-msp430_15.12.1.LTS/bin

    Creating d

    Hope this helps.   If you have any more experiments let me know.   

  • Hi Chris,

    Can you upload the logfile ti_cgt_msp430_15.12.1.LTS_osx_installer_install.log, please?



  • I found a way for us to reproduce the issue, so that should help with resolving it.
  • Did you have to do something to make your Mac OS X installation "special" to get the CCS instal to fail? I assume it "just works" for most people I'm willing to make changes on my end if need be.

    Could you tell me what you had to do to reproduce the problem. I'll back that out of my machine if I can
  • I was able to reproduce what appears to be the same issue by simply running the compiler installer and pointing it to install into /tmp/<some-folder>.   I'm sorry that we don't have any further analysis yet. I will ask about status.

  • Hi Chris,

    We are searching for an answer for your problem. But in the meanwhile, you could copy the contents of the version you installed in the temporary folder into your CCS installation so you're not blocked. If you don't have it, I could send you a zipped copy of the compiler.

    In order to try and understand what's going on, could you please check the permissions on your $HOME/Applications folder? I see drwx------ on mine.


  • Just another data point:  6.2.0 fails in the same way.   The error reads

    An error occured : Installer failed to install com.ti.cgt.msp430.15.osx correctly.
    Please submit these logs to TI for analysis using the next dialog.
    You may also visit the TI E2E CCS Support forum for additional help.

    The install logs are located in: /Users/chris/Applications/ccsv6/install_logs/20160902214848.

  • Hi Chris,

    We are searching for an answer for your problem. But in the meanwhile, you could copy the contents of the version you installed in the temporary folder into your CCS installation so you're not blocked. If you don't have it, I could send you a zipped copy of the compiler.

    In order to try and understand what's going on, could you please check the permissions on your $HOME/Applications folder? I see drwx------ on mine.

  • Hi Chris,

    I was wondering if you could run a debug trace for us, so we can figure out what's causing this problem.

    From a terminal, please run the following:

    "/Users/chris/Applications/ccsv6/installers/" --mode unattended --ccs true --prefix "/Users/chris/Applications/ccsv6-temp" --eclipseprefix "/Users/chris/Applications/ccsv6-temp/eclipse/" --debugtrace debug.txt

    and post the debug.txt file created.

    Thank you,
