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CCS/MSP430F5529: Changing the Heap size in Project Properties does not seem to change the actual size during run time.

Part Number: MSP430F5529

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I am having a malloc failure. When stepping through memory.c, I noticed that __SYSMEM_SIZE never changes even when I change the Heap size in Project->Properties->Build->MSP Linker->Basic Options->->Set C system stack size.

  • Is there a -heap or --heap_size option in the linker command file?

    Using a -heap or --heap_size option in the linker command file overrides the setting made in the CCS project properties.

    Joseph Dobesh said:
    I noticed that __SYSMEM_SIZE never changes even when I change the Heap size in Project->Properties->Build->MSP Linker->Basic Options->->Set C system stack size.

    The heap size is set from the "Heap size C/C++ dynamic memory allocation (--heap_size, -heap)", not from the "Set C system stack size (--stack_size, -stack)" option in the CCS project properties.

    [Not sure if there is a typo in your post, or if you changed the stack rather than heap size in the CCS project properties]

  • Yeah, I meant Heap Size. Looks like that was it. Thanks