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CCS/TMS320F28377D: RAM Loader Corrupting String Constant?

Part Number: TMS320F28377D

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I have an application that is running out of RAM.  When it is loaded, I can see that RAM data has been corrupted since a string constant no longer holds the proper string.

Watching the string in Memory Browser during program load (or reload), the correct value can be seen briefly before it is corrupted.

Changing two settings (at the same time, not individually) seems to avoid this problem, but it is not clear to me why:

  1. In the targetConfig.ccxml > Advanced Setup: Target Configuration, bypassing C28xx_CPU2, CPU2_CLA1, and cs_child_1.
  2. In Project Properties > Debug > Flash Settings > Download Settings, selecting Load RAM Only

I have an application that will reproduce this issue on the TMS320F28377D Experimenter Kit, but I cannot post the application publicly.

Any explanation for this and how to fix it?

Best Regards,
