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CCS/TMS320F2809: Advices for UniFlash v4.1 Improvements

Part Number: TMS320F2809
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi, Champs,

My customer is using v4.1 UniFlash for C2000 devices' programming and memory saving, and here are some of his advices for v4.1's improvements in next release.

1. In export memory view below, number of words is measured in decimal rather than hexadecimal. This is not reasonable as it's an embedded system and at least we should leave the option for users to choose any of them.

2. .bin file can be exported, but to a fixed location, that users can not configure. This is also not flexible and we need an option to change the path.

3. OS recognize seems to have some problem. Customer is using a 32 bits OS but it indicated as 64bits, and user can not even modify it.

Please take a look at these problems and let us know if you can re-produce or do we have plan to get this improved.


Best Regards,

Ricky Zhang

  • Hello Ricky,
    Thank you for the feedback. I will be sure to bring this to the attention of the Uniflash team.

  • Hi Ricky,

    Ricky Zhang said:
    1. In export memory view below, number of words is measured in decimal rather than hexadecimal. This is not reasonable as it's an embedded system and at least we should leave the option for users to choose any of them.

    I noticed that you can indeed specify hex. If you specify a hex value prepended with "0x", UniFlash will assume a hex value. The message can be more clear however and I will file an enhancement for that

    Ricky Zhang said:
    2. .bin file can be exported, but to a fixed location, that users can not configure. This is also not flexible and we need an option to change the path.

    Yes I see this also. I will file an enhancement for that

    Ricky Zhang said:
    3. OS recognize seems to have some problem. Customer is using a 32 bits OS but it indicated as 64bits, and user can not even modify it.

    The customer should be able to modify that via the drop down menu. Does the menu only show 64 bits for them?



  • Ki,

    Thanks for fast response.

    Customer is satisfying with your commitment to have item #a and #b improved.

    Regarding to item #c, his PC does not be able to have the drop down menu worked. I'm asking him to try other PCs and will get back to you once there's feedback. Anyway, recognize OS bits incorrectly is still a problem for users.

    Best Regards,

    Ricky Zhang

  • Agreed.

    I filed some bugs for the issues reported here.

    a) UNIFLASH-813: Export Memory view makes it appear that the "number of words" field requires a decimal integer even though hex is supported
    b) UNIFLASH-814: The file location in the "Export Memory" field should be configurable
    c) UNIFLASH-812: OS field on the package generation page does not properly detect OS bits

  • Ki,

    Appreciate your help for that. Which version of UniFlash do we expect to have these fixed, and do we have a timeline please?

    Best Regards,

    Ricky Zhang

  • UNIFLASH-813 and UNIFLASH-814 have been committed to UniFlash v4.4. That release is planned for the end of the year.

    Regarding UNIFLASH-812 - it has been determined that UNIFLASH desktop detects only the OS (Windows, Linux, Mac) but not the OS bits. It defaults to a value (likely 64) and it is up to the user to specify the bits manually. the issue of concern here is why the customer is unable to access the dropdown menu to change the OS bits. Has he tried a different PC yet? Also, ask if he can try UniFlash cloud version and see if he can change the bits there.

  • Ki,

    Thanks for update. There's still no feedback from customer and I'll follow it up next week.

    Best Regards,

    Ricky Zhang

  • Ki,

    Sorry for late.

    My customer had tried your suggestions to verify this issue, which should be an issue at his laptop only, as the cloud version works to get the dropdown menu and change the bits, also other PCs can work well. He will work with their IT to fix it, and we can get this issue closed.

    Thank you so much for addressing all the issues.

    Best Regards,

    Ricky Zhang

  • Ricky,
    Thank you for the updates. Please keep me posted if the customer determines why the dropdown is not available only on his laptop. Perhaps a reinstall of UniFlash would help?

  • Ki,

    Good idea. I will ask them to have a try and keep you posted once there's update.

    Best Regards,

    Ricky Zhang

  • Ki,

    Customer tried re-installing UniFlash but still failed at his laptop, however two of other team members didn't encounter such problem (to have the drop-down menu worked). Probably this issue has something to do with his PC hardware? Below is the OS information FYI.

    OS Name:Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
    OS Version:6.1.7601
    OS SP:Service Pack 1

    32bit OS

    Best Regards,

    Ricky Zhang

  • Thank you for the update. His OS is fine. Windows 7-32 is supported and the UniFlash team confirmed that there should be no issue there (they checked on their Windows 7-32 bit PC and it was fine).

    It could be some odd configuration on the PC. If I get more updates, I will let you know

  • Ki,

    Thank you so much for the follow-up. Customer also took it as their PC configuration issue and they had gave up to fix it in that specific laptop.

    Anyway, thank you for any information provided.

    Best Regards,

    Ricky Zhang